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Books (chapters) in 2006 Print

ARAÚJO, A.; BORREGO, J.; PIÇARRA, J. & PEDRO, J. (2006). Guia da Excursão C: Geotransversal no Varisco sul de Portugal. In Araújo, A. e Dias, R. (coords.). VII Congresso Nacional de Geologia, Livro Guia das excursões geológicas, Universidade de Évora, pp 6-15.

ARAÚJO, A. (2006). O Varisco do Sector Sul de Portugal. In Dias, R.; Araújo, A. Terrinha, p. & Kullberg, J. C. Coords. (2006) Geologia de Portugal no Contexto da Ibéria. Universidade de Évora, pp 139-143.

ARAÚJO, A.; PIÇARRA de ALMEIDA, J.; BORREGO, J.; PEDRO, J. & TOMÁS de OLIVEIRA, J. (2006). As Regiões Central e Sul da Zona de Ossa-Morena. In Dias, R.; Araújo, A. Terrinha, p. & Kullberg, J. C. Coords. (2006) Geologia de Portugal no Contexto da Ibéria. Universidade de Évora, pp 151-172.

A. F. Miguel, "Agglomeration and deposition of aerosol particles: classical approach and constructal model", Along with Constructal Theory, Ch. 3, Ed. UNIL,Université de Lausanne, 113-136 (2006).

A. F. Miguel, "Shape and complexity in living systems", Along with Constructal Theory, Ch. 4, Ed. UNIL,Université de Lausanne, 137-162 (2006). 

A. H. Reis, "Constructal view of the global circulation of the atmosphere, and flow architectures of river basins and lung tree", Along with Constructal Theory, Ch. 5, Ed. UNIL,Université de Lausanne, 163-198 (2006).

A. Heitor Reis, "Exergy based analysis of economic sustainability" in Perspectives on Econophysics, 147-159, Ed. Un. of Evora, 2006

A.S. Silva, J. Ricardo, M. Salta, P. Adriano, J. Mirão & A.E. Candeias, "Characterisation of roman mortars from the historical town of Mertola", Heritage Weathering and Conservation, Fort, Alvarez de Buergo, Gomes-Heras, Vazquez-Calvo Eds, Taylor & Francis, Madrid, 2006, pp. 85-90

A. Bejan, S. Lorente, A. F. Miguel, A. H Reis (2006) Constructal theory of distribution of river sizes. In "Advanced Engineering Thermodynamics" by A. Bejan, 3rd edition, John Wiley & sons, New Jersey, chapter 13, section 4, pp. 774-779.

A. Bejan, S. Lorente, A. F. Miguel, A. H Reis (2006) Constructal theory of distribution of city sizes. In "Advanced Engineering Thermodynamics" by A. Bejan, 3rd edition, John Wiley & sons, New Jersey, chapter 13, section 5, pp. 779-782.

Chambel, A. (2006) - Groundwater in Semi-arid Mediterranean Areas: Desertification, Soil Salinization and Ecosystems. Groundwater and Ecosystems, NATO Science Series, IV. Earth and Environmental Sciences, Vol. 70, A. Baba et al. (Eds.), 47-58.

Condeça, J., Pinheiro, I., Oliveira da Silva, M. & Chambel, A. (2006) - Groundwater Modelling in Atlantic Coastal Ecosystems (South Portugal). Groundwater and Ecosystems, NATO Science Series, IV. Earth and Environmental Sciences, Vol. 70, A. Baba et al. (Eds.), 269-288.

Chambel, A., Duque, J. & Madeira, M. M. (2006) - Hydrochemical Quality of Groundwater in Urban Areas of South Portugal. Urban Groundwater Management and Sustainability, J.H. Tellam et al. (Eds.), Springer, 241-250.

Dias, R., (2006) - "O Varisco do sector norte de Portugal". In: R. Dias, A. Araújo, P. Terrinha e J. Kullberg (Editores), "Geologia de Portugal no contexto da Ibéria". Univ. Évora, Évora, 31-34.

DIAS, R., COKE, C. E RIBEIRO, A. (2006) Da deformação na Serra do Marão ao zonamento do autóctone da Zona Centro Ibérica. Em: Geologia de Portugal no contexto da Ibéria (Dias, R., Araújo, A., Terrinha, P. e Kulberg, J, Editores). Univ. Évora, Évora, 35-61. ISBN: 972-778-094-6.

PEDRO, J.; ARAÚJO, A.; FONSECA, P. & MUNHÁ, J. Ofiolitos e Metamorfismo de Alta Pressão. In Dias, R.; Araújo, A. Terrinha, p. & Kullberg, J. C. Coords. (2006) Geologia de Portugal no Contexto da Ibéria. Universidade de Évora, pp 195-206.

"Economic Cycles in a Closed Finite World", Rui Namorado Rosa, in Kondratieff Waves, Warfare and World Security, Ed. Tessaleno C. Devezas, (Proceedings of NATO Advanced Research Workshop on the Influence of Chance Events and Socieconomic Long Waves in the New Arena of Asymmetric Warfare, Covilhã 14-18 Februry 2005) IOS Press, Amsterdam 2006, ISBN 1-58603-588-6, pp. 279-286.

"Economic Growth in a Closed Finite World", Rui Namorado Rosa, in Proceedings of the Workshop Perspectives in Econophysics, University of Évora, ISBN: 989-95091-0-8.

Terrinha, P., Rocha, R., Rey, J., Cachão, M., Moura, D., Roque, C., Martins, L., Valadares, V., Cabral, J., Azevedo, M.R., Barbero, L., Clavijo, E., Dias, R.P., Gafeira, J., Matias, H., Matias, L., Madeira, J., Marques da Silva, C., Munhá, J., Rebêlo, L., Ribeiro, C., Vicente, J., Youbi, N. (2006). A Bacia Algarvia: Estratigrafia, paleogeografia e tectónica. In: Geologia de Portugal no contexto da Ibéria. Dias, R., Araujo, A., Terrinha, P., Kullberg, J.C. (eds.).Évora. pp. 247-316.

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