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Cluster Print

Visit the cluster website (portuguese only) at:

The scientific problems, as they have become ever more complex, lead to the need of heavier computational means. The technical and economical limitations which have constrained the processing speed of computers working in series configuration, gave rise to parallel of computing configurations, called “Cluster”, where all computers process several tasks and applications simultaneously. Therefore “Cluster” processing was set-up at different research units and companies, which are very demanding in terms of scientific computation, particularly in the fields of Particle Physics, Geophysics, Meteorology, Biotechnology, Chemistry and others fields.

The Évora Geophysics Centre, being aware of the potentialities of this type of infrastructure for their members’ work, and taking advantage of the pluriannual funding from FCT as well as the PLURIANNUAL CONTRACT PROGRAMME 2004-2007 established between the Ministry of Science and the University of Évora, and with contributions from several CGE Projects, has acquired and set up this Cluster. This is the first and unique “Cluster” of the University of Évora. For its conception and development CGE has had the cooperation of the Computing Department of the University of Évora (SCUE), which shares with CGE the responsibility for its maintenance.

The main objective of the RÓMULO Cluster is to provide the necessary computational means for scientific computation in the different scientific fields, such as those for which processing speed and the storing capacity of data are very demanding, and parallel computing ir required.

The cluster has one main frontal access /control node, from where all the tasks are submitted. The frontal node has the following specifications:

  • 2x Dual core AMD Opteron(TM) 280 (Total of 4 processors)
  • RAM: 4GB
  • HDD: 73GB
  • Storage: 1.9TB

The 12 processing nodes have the following specifications:

  • 1x Dual Core AMD Opteron(tm) Processor 180 (Total of 2 processors)
  • RAM: 4GB Ram
  • HDD: 73GB

Total number of nodes:

  • 28 Processors
  • RAM: 53GB
  • HDD: 939GB
  • Storage: 1.9 TB

The “Cluster” acquired by CGE can be used by any researcher from this University, provided the request is made through this web page (portuguese only), by filling in the form (registar), and by reading and accepting its utilization rules presented in regulamento.

This is the first step taken by this research unit to the effect of making more widely available the minimum scientific computational means necessary to proceed the research of their members and integrate new R&D projects which also require them. Future initiatives from the University of Évora leading to setting up similar computational infrastructures can easily be harmonized with the CGE’s RÓMULO “Cluster” that is made available to the scientific community now.

To all of us that make this “Cluster” a reality the CGE wants to express its gratitude.

Directive Board of Évora Geophysics Centre  

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