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Observations and data Print

Meteorological data

Meteorological hourly data from Mitra’s (from 04/1994), Reguengos’s (from 04/1994), Divor’s (from 04/1994), Monte Novo’s, Portel’s and Évora-city’s meteorological stations , are made available by CGE, which is the Responsible Research Unit for the maintenance of their weather stations in collaboration with the Institute of Agronomic and Mediterranean Sciences (ICAM), concerning  Reguengos’s meteorological station.

In all the above meteorological stations, hourly meteorological data are measured (dry and wet air temperatures or dry air temperature and air relative humidity, wind speed and direction at 3m above the ground surface, precipitation, global solar irradiance, total net irradiance at ground level; in some of the meteorological stations above mentioned (Mitra’s, Évora-city’s and Portel’s stations), hourly measurements of other meteorological (ground temperature at different depths, canopy temperature among others) and radiometric (UV, PAR, Atmospheric and reflected solar radiation) quantities are also carried out.

At Évora-city meteorological station, is located one of the two CGE Atmospheric Physics Observatory platforms, where spectral radiometric measurements concerning atmospheric aerosols, trace gases and clouds as well as measurements of the atmospheric electric field (in “fair” weather)  are made; this platform as well as the other one located at Cabo da Roca, are included in the AERONET (AErosol RObotic NETwork) network shared with NASA ( ), being the two unique platforms of this network in Continental Portugal, from which one get obtain, information on the aerosol load and type over Évora and Cabo da Roca sites, in a daily basis.

Daily values of air temperature and relative humidity, global solar radiation, wind speed and direction and precipitation are available.
Daily values of air temperature and relative humidity, global solar radiation, total net radiation, wind speed and direction and precipitation are available.
Daily values of air temperature and relative humidity, global solar radiation, total net radiation, wind speed and direction and precipitation are available.
Daily values of air temperature and relative humidity, global solar radiation, total net radiation, wind speed and direction and precipitation are available.
Daily values of air temperature and relative humidity, global solar radiation and wind speed and direction are available.
Aims to obtain information on the vertical structure of atmospheric constituents, such as of aerosols, clouds and of the atmospheric boundary layer

In order to request data from CGE meteorological stations or to obtain any other information please send an email to This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it or This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it .

Seismic Data and Models

3D velocity model of SW Iberia - SWIB2006
The SWIB2006, developed under the project POCTI/CTE-GIN/59994/2004, is based on seismic profiles (refraction/reflection) and all information geophysical and geological available. Details about the model can be found in:
Grandin, Raphaël, José Fernando Borges, Mourad Bezzeghoud, Bento Caldeira and Fernando Carrilho. Simulations of strong ground motion in SW Iberia for the 1969 February 28 (Ms = 8.0) and the 1755 November 1 (M 8.5) earthquakes – I. Velocity model. Geophysical Journal International, Volume 171, Issue 3, Page 1144-1161, Dec 2007, doi: 10.1111/j.1365-246X.2007.03570.x

Geographic limits: 34N to 40N; -13W to -5W
Resolution: 1Km (661x881x61 nodes)
The SWIB2006 model may be freely used. For free download go to:
To obtain any other information please send an email to This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it .

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