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Edições especiais de revistas internacionais em 2011 Print
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1. Gama, C., C.J.E.M. Fortes, P. Baptista, L. Albardeiro, L. Pinheiro, R. Salgado, 2011: Medium-term evolution of an intermediate beach with an intertidal bar (Amoreira beach, Southwest Portuguese rocky coast). Journal of Coastal Research, SI 64, 80-84.

2. Dasari, H.P., C.V. Srinivas, D.V. BhaskarRao and Y. Anjaneyulu. 2011: Simulation of Indian monsoon extreme rainfall events during the decadal period of 2000-2009 using a high resolution mesoscale model. Advances in Geo Sciences, Volume 22 (AS-22), Pages 31-48. World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd

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Special issues of international journals in 2009 Print

Bernabe, Y.; B. Evans, and D. D. Fitzenz, 2009, Stress Transfer during pressure solution compression of rigidly coupled axisymmetric asperities pressed against a flat semi-infinite solid , Pageoph, vol. 166, N. 5/7 special issue "Rock Physics and Natural Hazards" (eds., Sergio Vinciguerra and Yves Bernabe).

Jacob, J., Gama, C., Salgado, R., Liu, J. and Silva, A., 2009. Shadowing Effects on Beach Morphodynamics during Storm Events on Tróia-Sines Embayed Coast, Southwest Portugal. Journal of Coastal Research, SI 56, 73 – 77

Reis, A. H.; A. F. Miguel (editors) "The Changing Energy Paradigm, Challenges and New Developments" International Journal of Energy Research (IJER), volume 33, John Wiley and Sons (2009)

Reis, A. H.; A. F. Miguel (editors) "Sustainable Energy Sources and Developing Clean Energy Technologies" International Journal of Green Energy (IJEG), volume 6, Taylor & Francis (2009)

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Special issues of international journals in 2006 Print

Special Issue on Nonlinear Dynamics of Electronic Systems, Corte-Real J, M. Bezzeghoud and D. Berry (Eds), 2006 ISSN: 0924-090X (Paper) 1573-269X (Online) V. 44, N. 1-4, 380 pp, June 2006, DOI: 10.1007/s11071-006-1610-8

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Special issues of international journals in 2008 Print

Jalobeanu, A.; J.A. Gutiérrez, E. Slezak: “Multisource data fusion and super-resolution from astronomical images” -Statistical Methodology (STAMET), Special issue on Astrostatistics, 5(4), Jul 2008

Miguel, A. F.; A. H. Reis. Special Issue “Recent Advances in Exergy Research”. International Journal of Exergy (Inderscience Publishers) volume 5, nos 5/6 (2008).
Editores: A. F. Miguel & A. H. Reis

Reis, A. H.; A. F. Miguel. Special Issue on Energy and Exergy. International Journal of Green Energy (Taylor & Francis), to appear (2008).

Reis, A. H.; A. F. Miguel. Special Issue “The changing energy paradigm, challenges and new developments”. International Journal of Energy Research (John Wiley and Sons), in press, (2008).

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