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Books (chapters) in 2002 Print

"Cloud microphysical properties retrieval during intense biomass burning events over Africa and Portugal"
Maria João Costa, Elsa Cattani, Vincenzo Levizzani, and Ana Maria Silva. Chapter II of the Book on "MEASURING PRECIPITATION FROM SPACE EURAINSAT and the future", Edited by: V. Levizzani, ISAC-CNR, Bologna , Italy P. Bauer, ECMWF, Reading , UK F. J. Turk, NRL, Monterey , CA , USA, Kluwer Edition (in press)

Moisture transfer in capillary porous materials: driving forces and transport coefficients
A. F. Miguel, A. M. Silva. Em: Progress in Transport Phenomena, edited by Elsevier Science B.V., pp. 497-501 (2002)

The Troposphere-Stratosphere coupled system and precipitation regimes in Portugal
João Andrade Santos e João Corte-Real (2002). (In press).

Statistical Monitoring for Environmental Engineering: Models and Applications
Leite S. M., F.P. Davila, C. T. Sanchez (2002).
Edited by R. Colombi and A. Fasso. BUPress, EdizioniSestante, Italy.

Cloud-to-ground lightning over Iberian Peninsula: temporal and spatial variability
Pablo F., L. R. Soriano and S. M. Leite (2002).
in Risk AnalysiS III, Edited by: C. A. Brebbia, WIT Press, United Kingdom.

Correia A. et al. (2002).
in "Atlas of the Geothermal Resources in Europe". Publication No. EUR 17811 of the European Commission.

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