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Articles (international journals) in 2005 Print

Araújo, A.; Fonseca, P.; Munhá, J.; Moita, P.; Pedro, J. and Ribeiro, A. (2005). The Moura Phylonitic Complex: An Accretionary Complex related with obduction in the Southern Iberia Variscan Suture” Geodinamica Acta, Vol. 18, n. 5, pp. 375-388.

Aydin, M.; G. Balik, A. F. Miguel, A. H. Reis "Some Features of Flow and Particle Transport in Porous Structures", 2005, Journal of Mechanical Engineering 51, 495-500

Bejan, A.; A. H. Reis, 2005 "Thermodynamic optimization of global circulation and Climate", Int. J. of Energy Research, 29 (4): 303-316.

Borrego, J.; Araújo, A. and Fonseca, P. A geotraverse trough the south and central sectors of the Ossa-Morena Zone in Portugal (Iberian Massif). The Virtual Explorer e-journal, Vol. 19, Paper 10. Electronic Edition, ISSN 1441-8142.

Bortoli, D., G. Giovanelli, F. Ravegnani, I. Kostadinov and A. Petritoli, Stratospheric Nitrogen Dioxide in the Antarctic, Int J. Of Remote Sensing, 26, 16, 3395-3412, 2005

Brilha J., Andrade C., Azerêdo A., Barriga F.J.A.S., Cachão M., Couto H., Cunha P.P., Crispim J.A., Dantas P., Duarte L.V., Freitas M.C., Granja M.H., Henriques M.H., Henriques P., Lopes L., Madeira J., Matos J.M.X., Noronha F., Pais J., Piçarra J., Ramalho M.M., Relvas J.M.R.S., Ribeiro A., Santos A., Santos V., Terrinha P. (2005) - Definition of the Portuguese frameworks with international relevance as an input for the European geological heritage characterisation. Episodes. Vol. 28, No 3, 177-186.

Costa, M.J., A.M.Silva and V. Levizzani “Aerosol Characterization and direct radiative forcing assessment over the ocean. Part I: Methodology and Sensitivity Analysis”. Journal of Applied Meteorology, Vol 43, pp: 1799-1817, 2005

Costa, M.J., V. Levizzani and A.M.Silva .“Aerosol Characterization and direct radiative forcing assessment over the ocean. Part II: Application to test cases and validation” . Journal of Applied Meteorology, Vol 43, pp:1818- 1833, 2005

Cunha, P., Martins, A., Daveau, S., Friend, P., 2005. Tectonic control of the Tejo River fluvial incision during the late Cenozoic, in Ródão – central Portugal (Atlantic Iberian border). Geomorphology 64, 271-298.

Giovanelli, G., D. Bortoli, A. Petritoli, E. Castelli, I. Kostadinov, F. Ravegnani, G. Redaelli, C. M. Volk, U. Cortesi, G. Bianchini and B. Carli, Stratospheric minor gas distribution over the Antarctic Peninsula during the APE-GAIA campaign, Int J. Of Remote Sensing, 26, 16, 3343-3360, 2005

Gonçalves, F. L. T. ; L.M.V. Carvalho ; Conde, F. C. ; M.R.D.O. Latorre ; Saldiva, P. H. N. ; Braga, A.L.F . The effects of air pollution and meteorological parameters on respiratory morbidity during the summer in São Paulo City. Environment International, v. 31, p. 343-349, 2005.

João Santos, João Corte-Real e Solange Mendonça Leite (2005): "Weather Regimes and their Connection to the Winter Rainfall in Portugal". International Journal of Climatology, 25: 33-50.

Leiterer, U., H. Dier, D. Nagel, T. Naebert, D. Althausen, K. Franke, A. Kats and F. Wagner (2005): Correction Method for RS80-A Humicap Humidity Profiles and Their Validation by Lidar Backscattering Profiles in Tropical Cirrus Clouds, Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, 22 (1), 18-29.

Lucio, P. S. (2005), Learning with solar activity influence on Portugal's rainfall: A stochastic overview, Geophys. Res. Lett., 32, L23819, doi:10.1029/2005GL023787.

M.O. Figueiredo, J.P. Veiga, T.P. Silva, J.P. Mirão & S. Pascarelli (2005) Chemistry versus phase constitution of yellow ancient tile glazes: A non-destructive insight through XAS. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, 238, 1-4, pp. 134-137

M.O. Figueiredo & J.P. Mirão (2005) Soft X-ray absorption at the O K-edge in rutile-type natural oxides. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, 238, 1-4, pp. 314-318 MADUREIRA, P.; MOREIRA, M; MATA, J. & ALLÈGRE, C. J. (2005). Primitive helium and neon isotopes in Terceira island (Azores archipelago). Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 233, 429-440.

Mateus, A.; Araújo, A.; Gonçalves, M. e Matos, J. (2005). Variscan overthrusting, fluid flow and the genesis of magnetite ore-bodies at Azenhas area (Pedrógão, Ossa-Morena Zone, SE Portugal). Boletin Geológico y Minero, Vol. 116, nº. 1, pp. 3-22.

Miguel, A. F.; M. Aydin, A. H. Reis "Indoor deposition and forced resuspension of respirable particles", 2005, Indoor and Built Environment 14, 391-396

Miguel, A. F.; A. H. Reis, "Transient forced convection in an isothermal fluid-saturated porous medium layer: effective permeability and boundary layer thickness" , 2005, Journal of Porous Media 8, 165-174

Moita, P., Pereira, M.F., Santos, J.F., 2005. Tonalites from the Hospitais Massif (Ossa-Morena Zone, SW Iberian Massif, Portugal). I: Geological setting and petrography, Geogaceta, 37: 51-54.

Moita, P., Santos, J.F., Pereira, M.F., 2005. Tonalites from the Hospitais Massif (Ossa-Morena Zone, SW Iberian Massif, Portugal). II: Geochemistry and petrogenesis, Geogaceta, 37: 55-58.

Moreira, M. & Madureira, P. (2005). Cosmogenic helium and neon in 11My old ultramafic xenoliths: consequences for mantle signatures in old samples. G-cubedi, 6(8), 1-5.

Palazzi, E., A. Petritoli, G. Giovanelli, I. Kostadinov, D. Bortoli, F. Ravegnani, S.S. Sackey, PROMSAR: A backward Monte Carlo spherical RTM for the analysis of DOAS remote sensing measurements, Adv. Space Res., doi:10.1016/j.asr.2005.05.017

Pereira, M.F., Chichorro, M., Linnemann, U., Eguiluz, L., Silva, J.B., 2006. Inherited arc signature in Ediacaran and Early Cambrian basins of the Ossa-Morena Zone (Iberian Massif, Portugal): paleogeographic link with European and North African Cadomian correlatives. ELSEVIER-Precambrian Research 144, 297-315.

Pinto, J.P, M. C. Bernardino, A. Pires Silva: "A Kalman filter application to a spectral wave model", Nonlinear Processes in Geophysics, 12, 775-782, 2005

Qian B, Hayhoe H, Gameda S (2005) Evaluation of the stochastic weather generators LARS-WG and AADC-WG for climate change impact studies. Climate Research, 29:3-21.

Reis, A. H.; A. F. Miguel, M. Aydin "Analysis of loop heat pipe performance under varying wick load", 2005, Journal of Mechanical Engineering 51, 451-455

Reis, A.H.; Rui Rosa, 2005 "Role of sorption isotherms in the analysis of coupled heat and mass flows in unsaturated porous media" J. of Porous Media, 8 (3): 259-269.

Rocha, R. & R. Dias (2005) - "Finite strain analysis in ammonoids; an interactive approach ". Journal Structural Geology, 27/3, 475-479.

Rodrigues, J., C. Coke, R. Dias, E. Pereira, and A. Ribeiro, 2005. Transition from autochthonous to parautochthonous deformation regimes in Murça-Marão sector (Central-Iberian Zone, northern Portugal). In R. Carosi, R. Dias, D. Iacopini, D. and Rosenbaum, G. (Eds.), " The southern Variscan belt", The Virtual Explorer, electronic edition ISSN 1441-8142, volume 19, paper 8, 16 p.

Romão, J. M., C. Coke, R. Dias and A. Ribeiro, 2005. Transient inversion during the opening stage of the wilson cycle "sardic phase" in the Iberian variscides - stratigraphic and tectonic record. Geodinâmica Acta, 18/2, 115-121

Tiago Pereira and Ilídio Lopes 2005, On the nature of stochastic excited oscillations: Subdwarf B star PG 1605+072 as a case study. Astrophysical Journal, Volume 622, Issue 2, pp. 1068-1074.

Wagner, F. and J. Reuder (2005): Cloud Frequency with Respect to Remote Sensing Applications: Example of Bavaria, Southern Germany, International Journal of Remote Sensing, Vol. 26, No. 21, 4733-4745.

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