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Articles (other journals) in 2001 Print

"Moisture and heat transport in porous materials: an analytical solution for the case of periodic boundary conditions" A. F. Miguel, A. M. Silva, Physical Methods in Agriculture, Editado por Blahovec &Libra, Press of Czech University of Agriculture in Prague, 210-216 (2001)

''Modelling mass flow properties of porous media'' A. F. Miguel, A. M. Silva, Proceedings of 12th International Conference on Thermal Engineering and Thermogrammetry, Budapeste (Hungria), Editado por Benko, Kovacsics & Lovak, 49-54 (2001)

Reis M.J., Brogueira A.L., Rosa R., Bettencourt A.O., "Low-Level Atmospheric Aerosols Radioactivity Measurements" (2001) Radioprotecção, Vol. I, 8/9, 141-148.

"Lessons learnt from synergistic use of polar and geostationary satellite sensors for the retrieval of aerosol characteristics". Costa, M. J., M. Cervino, E. Cattani, F. Torricella, V. Levizzani, and A. M. Silva .Proceedings - Spie the Int. Society for Optical Engineering, 4485, 17-27, (2001)

LIND, P.G., CORTE-REAL, J.A and GALLAS, J.A., 2001: "Wave Patterns in Coupled Map Lattices". Proceedings of the International Interdisciplinary Shcool "Space Time Chaos: Characterization, Control and Synchronization", 19-23/Junho de 2000, Pamplona, Espanha, editeda por S Boccaletti, H L Mancini, W González-Viñas, J Burguete & D L Valladares. World Scientific, Singapore, (pp. 61-77).

Santos C.A.G, Galvão C.O., Suzuki K., Trigo R.M. (2001) "Matsuyama city raifall data analysis using Wavelet transform", Annual Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, JSCE. 45, 211-216.

Pereira, M.Francisco & Silva, J.Brandao (2001) "The Northeast Alentejo Neoproterozoic-Lower Cambrian succession (Portugal): Implications for regional correlations in the OMZ (IM)", Geogaceta, 30: 106-111

C. Caroça & R. Dias (2001) - "Estrutura Varisca na região de Sagres; um exemplo de deformação progressiva", Comun. Inst. Geol. Min Portugal, 88, 1-16.

A. Mateus, R. Dias & C. Coke (2001) - "Mecanismos e regimes de deformação em rochas metassedimentares detríticas do Ordovícico inferior e médio da zona Centro-Ibérica (Portugal)", Comun. Inst. Geol. Min Portugal, 88

C. Coke, M. Gomes, R. Dias & A. Ribeiro (2001) - "Estruturas filonianas do Paleozóico superior da Serra do Marão (N de Portugal); o resultado de extensão intra-orogénica?", Cadernos Lab. Xeolóxico de Laxe, 26, 137-154.

C. Laiginhas, I. Leal Machado & R. Dias (2001) - "Aplicações de ferramentas SIG na resolução de questões em geociências", Intergraph News, 2/10, 9.

J. M. P. Cabral, M. J. Maciel, L. Lopes, J. M. C. Lopes, A. P. V. Marques, C. O. Mustra, M. C. Freitas and P. M. Carreira (2001) - Petrographic and isotopic characterization of marble from the Estremoz Anticline: its application in identifying the sources of Roman works of art. "Journal of Iberian Archeology", vol. 3, pp 121-128.

Pereira, M.F., Silva, J.B. (2001). The Northeast Alentejo Neoproterozoic-Lower Cambrian succession (Portugal): Implications for regional correlations in the Ossa-Morena Zone (Iberian Massif). Geogaceta, 30: 106-109

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