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Physics of Atmosphere Print

The Observatory of Physics of Atmosphere of the Centre for Geophysics is operating at two different locations: Évora, Colégio Luis Verney, Universidade de Évora and at Cabo da Roca, 30km northeast of Lisbon in the installations of Cabo da Roca lighthouse.

Évora (38°34' N, 7°54' W, 300m a.n.m.m):
cimel-evora.jpg Sun-sky photometer CIMEL CE-318-2 with a polarizing channel (870nm) and 4 channels in the visible and near infrared (440,670,870,1020nm) with 10nm half bandwidth, for monitoring spectral angular radiance from the sun and from the sky in two geometric observations: almucantar and principal solar plane.

It allows the determination of the aerosol optical thicknesses at 440,670,870 and 1020nm; it allows the determination of the water vapour content in the atmospheric column and the determination of the aerosol size distribution. It also allows the calculation of the degree of polarization at 870nm, in the principal solar plane.

Period of functioning: from June, 2003

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yes_mfr-7.jpg Shadowband radiometer YES MFR-7 with 7 channels in the visible and near infrared bands (415,500,615,673,870,940nm) with 10nm of half bandwidth and a wide band channel (300- 1100nm) for measuring the diffuse and global spectral radiances, global solar irradiance, (downwelling solar flux) and diffuse solar irradiance, with 1 min temporal sampling.

It allows the determination of aerosol optical thicknesses at 415, 500, 615, 673,870and 940nm; it allows the determination of the water vapour content in the atmospheric column and the determination of the aerosol size distribution; it allows the calculation of the aerosol single scattering albedo (absorption of aerosols) and the complex refractive index of aerosols (chemical composition of aerosols).

Period of functioning: from January 2002 - February 2003 and from July 2003 - April 2004. From October 2005.

nefelometro.jpg Hemispheric spectral Nephelometer TSI 3563 to measure in situ volumetric scattering and backscattering coefficients of aerosols in three wavelengths (450,550,700nm), with a minimum scattering coefficient detection level of 10Mm-1 and with temporal sampling of 2 minutes.

Period of functioning: April to September 2002; February to December 2003; from January 2004 (except between 19 July and 23 September).

spatram.jpg UV-VIS Spectrometer - SPATRAM (SPectrometer for Atmospheric TRAcers Monitoring) for measuring spectral radiation in the zenith configuration of observation in the band (300- 1000nm) with typical spectral resolution of 0.5nm. With DOAS (Differential Optical Absorption Spectroscopy) methodology it is possible to obtain the quantity of trace gases (ozone, nitrogen dioxide, bromine monoxide) in the vertical atmospheric column. It is also possible to detect episodes of aerosols. The temporal sampling is about 30s. With the adaptation in the near future of other configurations of observation and of other mechanical and optical elements it will be possible to obtain an atmospheric profile of trace gases, such as sulphur dioxide, benzene, toluene, xylene amongst others, and it could be used to monitor airquality and stellar spectroscopy.

Period of functioning: from April 2004

tsi3321.jpg Aerodynamic Particle Sizer Spectrometer (APS), TSI 3321 for measuring the aerodynamic dimensions of aerosols in the range of 0.3 to 20 µm, with a resolution which varies between 0.02 µm for aerosols of aerodynamic size of 1 µm, to 0.03 µm for aerosols with aerodynamic size of 10 µm. It also allows the calculation of in situ atmospheric aerosol concentration from a minimum value of 0.001particles/cm3 to a maximum value of 1000 particles/cm3 and with adjustable sampling times from 1 second up to 18 per sample.

Period of functioning: from November 2004

keithley.jpg Keithley Electrometer JCI 131, for the continuous monitoring of the vertical component of the atmospheric electric field. It has four scales: 2, 20, 200 and 2000kV/m with automatic commutations, respectively with the correspondent sensitivity thresholds of 0,1, 1, 10 e 100kV/m. The electric field data can be used for boundary layer phenomenological studies, namely concentration of aerosols, fogs, clouds. When the electric field reach critical values it can be used as an important device for civil protection, allowing the warning of risk in several activities (handling of fuel with powders in suspension, etc).

Period of functioning: from December 2003 to October 2004; from February 2005

rad-solar.jpg Broad-band solar radiometer of wide spectral range - Eppley pyranometers – for measuring global and diffuse solar irradiances in the spectral range (285-2800 nm) in the horizontal surface. The temporal sampling is 10 minutes.

Period of functioning: from December 2002.

rad-infra.jpg Broad-band infrared radiometer of wide spectral range (λ> 4000 nm) – Eppley pyrgeometer– for measuring the dowelling flux density of atmospheric radiation at the horizontal surface. The temporal sampling is 10 minutes.

Period of functioning: from December 2002.

Tapered Element Oscillating Microbalance (TEOM) series 1400a

For measuring in situ mass concentration of aerosols (particle mass per unit air volume) with aerodynamic diameter lower than 10μm (PM-10), with temporal sampling of 10min. The air sample passes through a filter whose oscillating frequency depends on the mass of the deposited aerosols. The sample is heated at a constant temperature of 50ºC. The sampling air flux at the PM-10 inlet is 1m3hour-1 (16.7 lmin-1). The typical values of aerosol concentrations observed in Évora are: 10-20μgm-3

Period of functioning: from 18 January 2006.

ceilometro.jpg Ceilometer VAISALA CL31 operates with a laser at the wavelength 910 nm, with a second generation optic system which gives precise results even at low altitudes.

This ceilometer uses LIDAR technology (LIght Detection And Ranging), from which concentrated beams of light are almost vertically emitted. The reflection of this light (backscattering) caused by clouds, rain or other atmospheric constituents (such as aerosols) is analysed in order to determine the cloud base height and the backscattered profile with a vertical resolution of 5m between the surface and 7.5 km height. The temporal sampling can be of 2 s. It allows the simultaneous detection up to three layers of clouds.

Period of functioning: from April 2006

Multi Angle Absorption Photometer, Thermo Scientific

Para medição "in situ" do coeficiente de absorção dos aerossóis de Carbono Negro (Black/Elemental Carbon), no comprimento de onda de 670 nm, presente no ar ambiente através da combinação da medição de luz dispersa em determinados ângulos e transmitida através de um filtro onde se acumulam as partículas. A partir dos valores do coeficiente de dispersão determina-se a concentração local de carbono negro na atmosfera. A frequência de amostragem é de 1 minuto. Possui uma cabeça de amostragem de tipo PM-10. As concentrações instantâneas de Carbono Negro mais frequentes em Évora variam entre 0.5 e 1.5 μgm-3

Period of functioning: from April 2007.

Raman Lider System

Technical Description

  • emission of laser light at 3 wavelengths (355, 532, 1064 nm)
  • detection of radiation at 5 wavelengths (355, 387, 532, 607, 1064 nm)
  • 1 channel to determine the degree of depolarization
  • vertical resolution: 30m
  • laser frequency: 20 Hz
  • observational range: troposphere and lower stratosphere
  • transportable
  • remotely controlled

Aims to obtain information on the vertical structure of atmospheric constituents, such as of aerosols, clouds and of the atmospheric boundary layer. Allows obtaining the vertical profile of the extinction coefficient of aerosols at 2 wavelengths and of the backscattering coefficient of aerosols at 3 wavelengths.

The LIDAR is integrated in international networks:

Use conditions by external scientists of CGE
For more information please consult the LIDAR website (

Period of functioning: from September 2009.

Funding Institution
The LIDAR was funded by Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT), through the National Re-equipment Program- Programa Nacional de Re-equipamento Cientifico (PNRC)

Cabo da Roca (38º78' N, 9º30' W, 120m na.m.m)
cimel-cabodaroca.jpg Sun-sky photometer CIMEL CE-318-2 with a polarizing channel (870nm) and 4 channels in the visible and near infrared (440,670,870,1020nm) with 10nm half bandwidth, for monitoring spectral angular radiance from the sun and from the sky in two geometric observations: almucantar and principal solar plane.

It allows the determination of the aerosol optical thicknesses at 440,670,870 and 1020nm; it allows the determination of the water vapour content in the atmospheric column and the determination of the aerosol size distribution. It also allows the calculation of the degree of polarization at 870nm, in the principal solar plane.

Period of functioning: from December 2003 to October 2004; from February 2005

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