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Seismology / Geophysics Print

Seismic station of Large Band EVO (Network Western Mediterranean - WM)
Equipped with a seismometer 3-axial STS2 and a scanner Earth Data PS6-24 with 3 conversers with GPS synchronization; the data management is done with SeisComp software, mounted in a low power PC 104 connected to the network via Ethernet for transmission in a real data time and in settings distance. Configured to 5 levels of samples: HH a 100Hz; SH a 50Hz; BH a 20Hz; LH a 1Hz e VH a 0.1Hz.

Period of operation: since February 2006

See article "Recent improvements in the Broadband seismic networks in Portugal

EVO station seismic record in quasi real time

Record currently unavailable

Data concentrator of CGE (Network Western Mediterranean - WM)
Set of assembled applications in a server Linux, for the management of seismological data (Network Western Mediterranean - WM) of a station set, which includes transfer of data from de station and quality control. In the case of the station EVO, are made sensitive tests, guidance, polarity of the components and mass position and noise level. For all the other 9 station is made the monitoring of the data transmission.

Period of operation: since February 2006 

See article "Broad band "western mediterranean" an ocean botton "fomar" seismological networks"

Network mobile of short period
7 autonomous stations to use in continuous mode or shooting mode, in campaigns seismic observation of natural and artificial source. The station are composed by a Guralp 72-A scanner in sync with GPS, seismometers Mark of short period and fed by battery/photovoltaic panel

Period of operation: since 1992
Station LEAS model Hathor. Photo taken in Mozambique trough the Project MoBaMasis – Investigating the Mozambique-Madagascar Basin by wide-angle seismic record on land.
More information about this project  here.
Broadband station – Reftek; model 72A-07; scanner 24 bits. Photo taken in Mozambique trough the Project MoBaMasis – Investigating the Mozambique-Madagascar Basin by wide-angle seismic record on land.

Broadband stations with data GPRS communication system
5 station wide-band composed with seismometers VBB triaxiais, Guralp 3ESP; Scanner 24 bit CMG-DM24; Data management with SeisComp mounted in a low power PC 104; Data transmission in real time through communications system based on GPRS; Feeding by accumulators of lead with loading done by panels

Period of operation: In installation 

See article "Recent improvements in the Broadband seismic networks in Portugal"

Ultra portable seismic station
Guralp CMG-6TD with seismometer triaxial of Broadband scanner and memory incorporated.

Equipment Seismic / Seismic Reflection
System data acquisition: Sismómetro de Exploração PASI Model 16S12-N-16S24-N com 24 canais e digitalizador de 24 bit,
Sensors: 24 Geofones of 10 Hz, vertical; 24 Geofones of 10 Hz, horizontal, Mark PASI

Period of operation: since December 2007

Georadar – TerraSIRch SIR-3000 / 3 antennas of 200 MHZ, 400 MHZ and 1600 MHZ

Period of Operation: since December 2007

Geoeletrical Equipment 

Restivimeter ABEM – Terrameter System SAS 1000

Magnetometer: Geometrics G-856 MAGNETOMETER

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