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Comunicações (Resumos) em 2004 Versão para impressão

Borges J. F., M. Bezzeghoud and A. J. S. Fitas and E. Buforn, 2004. Earthquake Source and Seismic Strain Rate: Portugal in the Context of The Western Part of the Eurasia - Africa Plate Boundary. XXIX General Assembly of the European Seismological Commission (ESC), p 22, 13-17 September, Potsdam, Germany.

Buforn E., M. Bezzeghoud, C. del Freno, J.F. Borges., A. Udías, and C. Pro, 2004. Focal Mechanism and Rupture Process of 2004 Alhoceima (Morocco, Mw=6.2) Earthquake from Teleseismic and Regional Broad-Band Data. XXIX General Assembly of the European Seismological Commission (ESC), p. 7, 13-17 September, Potsdam, Germany.

Caldeira B., M. Bezzeghoud and J. Borges, 2004. Seismic Source Directivity from Doppler Effect Analysis, Part I: Theory. XXIX General Assembly of the European Seismological Commission (ESC), p.91, 13-17 September, Potsdam, Germany.

Caldeira B., M. Bezzeghoud and J. Borges, 2004. Seismic Source Directivity From Doppler Effect Analysis, Part II: Application To The Zemmouri-Boumerdes (Algeria) Earthquake of May 21st, 2003, Mw=6.8. XXIX General Assembly of the European Seismological Commission (ESC), p. 91, 13-17 September, Potsdam, Germany.                  

Chichorro, M., Pereira, M.F., Silva, J. B. (2004): "Paleozoic high to Low Temperature deformation in the Évora Massif (Ossa Morena Zone, Portugal): Pull-apart basin generation and exhumation of middle crustal metamorphic terrains." 32nd International Geological Congress, Florence, August 20-28, Abstracts part 1, 152.

Chichorro, M., Pereira, M.F., Dias, R. (2004): "Characterization of Strain Partitioning by analysis of the shape preferred orientation of elliptical Mineral objects in the Montemor-o-Novo Shear Zone (Ossa Morena Zone, Portugal" 32nd International Geological Congress, Florence, August 20-28, Abstracts part 2.

Hayhoe H.; Budong Qian (2004) Extremes simulated by stochastic weather generators, American Meteorological Society, Seattle, USA, January 2004.

Lourenço, N.; F. Marques, P. Madureira, A. Ribeiro, J. Mata, G. Queiroz, M. Miranda (2004). Strain and rehology within a volcanic flow: A meso-scale example from the Terceira Island (Azores Archipelago). 32nd International Geological Congress, Florença, Italia.

Madureira, P.; M. Moreira, J. Mata, G. Queiroz (2004). Multiple olivine He isotopic signatures from a single rock sample. Goldschmidt abstract conference supplement to Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, p. A284.

Mirão, J., Figueiredo, M.O. X-ray absorption spectroscopy at 3d-metal L2,3 and O K-edges in columbites E C M S 2004 - 5th European Conference on Mineralogy & Spectroscopy - Vienna, September 4-8, 2004.

Moita, P., Santos, J. & Pereira, M. - Evidence for internal mixing in the Variscan Hospitais tonalite (Ossa-Morena Zone, Portugal): Conference supplement of Goldschimdt Geochemistry to Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, Copenhagen, Denmark, pp A651.

Moreira, M, S. Doucet., P. Madureira, A. Lecomte e C. Allègre (2004) Helium-Neon systematics in OIB and the nature of the source of mantle plumes. Goldschmidt abstract conference supplement to Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, p. A283.

Pereira, M.F., Chichorro, M., (2004): "Reworked Cadomian Continental Magmatic arc: Chemistry of clastic rocks from the Ossa-Morena Zone (Iberian massif, Portugal)". 32nd International Geological Congress, Florence.

Ribeiro, C., Houajain, B., Azevedo, M.R., Terrinha, P. (2004). Dolomitization of Carixian sediments in the SW sector of the Algarve Basin: characterization, tectonic and chronological constrains. 2nd Colloquium of Moroccan Jurassic, Université Cadi Ayyad, 21-22 Abril 2004, p. 47 .

Ribeiro, C., Terrinha, P., Ouajhain, B., Azevedo, M.R. (2004). Silicification and Dolomitization of a Carbonate Tethysian Carixian Basin, Algarve, South Portugal. Eustasy and Tectonics (apresentação oral), 23rd International Association  of Sedimentology Meeting, Universidade de Coimbra, 15-17, Setembro 2004, p. 31

Safanda J. and A. Correia, 2004. Subsurface temperature warming observed in boreholes and its relation to the rate of recent air temperature warming: a case study from southern Portugal. European Geosciences Union Meeting, Nice, France, March.

Santos, J.; e João Corte-Real (2004): "Coupling Between Large-Scale Atmospheric Circulation and Precipitation and Temperature Extremes in Europe". 2nd Conference of European Geosciences Union Meeting, Nice, France, March 2004.

Santos, J.; João Corte-Real (2004): "Spatial Distribution of Precipitation and Temperature Extremes over Europe and its Coupling with the Large-Scale Atmospheric Circulation". Proceedings of the 1st International Conference of the Project on "Climate Variability and Predictability", Session "Human Influence on Climate", pp 270.

Serrano, C.; A. Heitor Reis, Rui Rosa, Paulo S. Lúcio, (2004) "Variação do campo eléctrico da atmosfera na região de Lisboa entre 1955-1985. Estudo da influência da humidade relativa do ar", XXVIII jornadas científicas da AME, Badajoz, Spain.

Silva, P. F., F.O. Marques, J.M. Miranda, N. Lourenço, B. Henry, A. Mateus e P. Madureira (2004). Comparative AMS Study between Messejana (Iberian Peninsula) and Foum Zguid (Southern Morocco) Dykes. Contributions to Geophysics and Geodesy, V34, 139-140.

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