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Comunicações (Publicações) em 2011 Versão para impressão


1. Antón, M., D. Bortoli, P.S. Kulkarni, M.J. Costa, A.F. Domingues, D. Loyola, A.M. Silva, L. Alados-Arboledas: "Analysis of total ozone trends in the Iberian Peninsula using satellite data", Proceedings of the Global Conference on Global Warming 2011, July 2011, Lisbon, Portugal. (editors: A. M. Silva, A. H. Reis, D. Bortoli, J. Carneiro, M. J. Costa, M. Bezzeghoud, R. Salgado), ISBN: 978-989-95091-3-9.

2. Couto, F., R. Salgado, H. Prasad, M. J. Costa, 2011: A study of intense rainfall events in Madeira Island using numerical models. EGU General Assembly 2011. Geophysical Research Abstracts. Vol. 13, EGU2011-13025, 2011.

3. Couto, F., R. Salgado, M. J. Costa, 2011: Numerical simulations of intense precipitation in Madeira Island using the MESO-NH Mode. Proceedings of the European Conferences on Severe Storms, Palma de Mallorca, Balearic Islands, Spain, October 2011. Abstract 179.

4. Dasari, H.P., R. Salgado, M. J. Costa, A. M. Silva: Numerical modeling of heavy rainfall event over Maderia Island in Portugal-Sensitivity to Microphysics, Proceedings of the Global Conference on Global Warming 2011, July 2011, Lisbon, Portugal. (editors: A. M. Silva, A. H. Reis, D. Bortoli, J. Carneiro, M. J. Costa, M. Bezzeghoud, R. Salgado), ISBN: 978-989- 95091-3-9.

5. Domingues, A., D. Bortoli, A. M. Silva, M. Antón, M. J. Costa, 2011: Ozone seasonal variation with ground-based and satellite equipments at Évora Observatory - Portugal during 2007-2010. Proceedings of the Earth Observation of Global Changes 2011.

6. Guerrero-Rascado, J.L., M. J. Costa, A. M. Silva, F. J. Olmo: "An approach to the retrieval of thin cloud optical depth from a Cimel sun-photometer", Proceedings of the Global Conference on Global Warming 2011, July 2011, Lisbon, Portugal. (editors: A. M. Silva, A. H. Reis, D.

7. Bortoli, J. Carneiro, M. J. Costa, M. Bezzeghoud, R. Salgado), ISBN: 978-989-95091-3-9.

8. Guerrero-Rascado, J.L, M. J. Costa, D. Bortoli, A. M. Silva, H. Lyamani, L. Alados- Arboledas, 2011: A New Approach To Improve The Near-Infrared Range Response Of A Lidar System At 1064 Nm. Proceedings of the V Reunión Española de Ciencia y Tecnología de Aerosoles. Madrid, Spain, June 2011. ISBN: 978-84-7834-662-2

9. Guerrero-Rascado, J.L, C. Córdoba-Jabonero, M. Gil, M. Yela, M. J. Costa, A. M. Silva, Characterization of polar stratospheric clouds in Antarctica by lidar depolarization. Proceedings of the V Reunión Española de Ciencia y Tecnología de Aerosoles. Madrid, Spain, June 2011. ISBN: 978-84-7834-662-2

10. Kulkarni, P. D. Bortoli, M. J. Costa, A. M. Silva, F. Ravegnani and G. Giovanelli, 2011: Comparison of NO2 vertical profiles from satellite and ground based measurements over Antarctica. Proceedings of the XXX General Assembly and Scientific Symposium of the International Union of Radio Science, Istanbul, Turkey, August 13-20, 2011. F06-8.

11. Obregón Muñoz, M. A., Sergio Pereira, Frank Wagner, Antonio Serrano Pérez, Maria Luisa Cancillo Fernández, Ana Maria Silva. Study of a desert dust event over the SouthWestern Iberian Peninsula in summer 2010 ‐ Global Conference on Global Warming-2011, July 11- 14, Lisbon, Portugal. (editors: A. M. Silva, A. H. Reis, D. Bortoli, J. Carneiro, M. J. Costa, M. Bezzeghoud, R. Salgado), ISBN: 978-989-95091-3-9.

12. Perdigão, J., R. Salgado, H. Dasari, M. J. Costa, 2011: Inter Annual Variability of Surface Solar Radiation over Iberian Peninsula. Proceedings of the Global Conference on Global Warming 2011, July 2011, Lisbon, Portugal. (editors: A. M. Silva, A. H. Reis, D. Bortoli, J. Carneiro, M. J. Costa, M. Bezzeghoud, R. Salgado), ISBN: 978-989-95091-3-9.

13. Preißler, J., F. Wagner, S.N. Pereira, J.L. Guerrero-Rascado and A.M. Silva. Multi- instrumental observation of an exceptionally strong Saharan dust outbreak over Portugal. V Reunión Española de Ciencia y Tecnología de Aerosoles – RECTA 2011. del 27 al 29 de junio de 2011, Madrid, Spain.

14. Salgueiro, V., M. J. Costa, A. M. Silva, M. Potes, R. Namorado Rosa: Warm cloud study from ground-based remote sensing using different radiative transfer approaches, Proceedings of the Global Conference on Global Warming 2011, July 2011, Lisbon, Portugal. (editors: A. M. Silva, A. H. Reis, D. Bortoli, J. Carneiro, M. J. Costa, M. Bezzeghoud, R. Salgado), ISBN: 978-989-95091-3-9.

15. Santos, D., M. J. Costa, A. M. Silva, R. Salgado: Modeling Saharan Desert Dust Radiative Effects on Clouds, Proceedings of the Global Conference on Global Warming 2011, July 2011, Lisbon, Portugal. (editors: A. M. Silva, A. H. Reis, D. Bortoli, J. Carneiro, M. J. Costa, M. Bezzeghoud, R. Salgado), ISBN: 978-989-95091-3-9.

15. - Santos, D., M. J. Costa, A. M. Silva, R. Salgado, 2011: “Regional Modeling of Saharan Desert Dust Aerosol Indirect Radiative Forcing”, Sixth International Workshop on Sandstorms and Environmental Impact Assessments, Atenas, Grécia.

16. Bernardes, L., Carneiro, J., Abreu, M.P., 2011 - CO2 Hydrates as a climate change mitigation strategy: Definition of stability zones in the Portuguese deep offshore. In Global Congress on Global Warming, July 2011, Lisbon.

17. Boavida, D., Carneiro, J.F., Ramírez, A., Martinez, R., Czernichowski-Lauriol, I., Tosato, G., Rimi, A., Zarhloule, Y., Simões, S., Cabal, H., 2011. Integrated infrastructure for CO2 transport and storage in the west Mediterranean. Energy Procedia 4, 2440-2447.

18. Clausse, M., Meunier, F., Reis, A. H. and Bejan, A. , (2011), On the use of the Constructal Law to study Climate Change, Proc. “Global Conference on Global Warming -2011”, pp. 9- 15, Ed. GCGW-11Org. (USB Flash Drive) ISBN: 978-989-95091-3-9.

19. Silva, H.G., Serrano, C., Reis, A. H., Bezzeghoud, M., Rosa, R. N., Borges, J. F., Caldeira, B., Tlemçani, M., and Biagi, P. F. (2011), Influence of seismic activity in the atmospheric electrical field in Lisbon (Portugal) from 1961 until 1991, Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 13, EGU2011-7444, 2011.

20. Silva, H.G., Serrano, C., Reis, A. H., Bezzeghoud, M., Rosa, R. N., Borges, J. F., Caldeira, B., and Tlemçani, M. (2011), Supressão do Campo Eléctrico Atmosférico aquando do sismo de Sousel, M = 4.1, Proc. 7.º Simpósio de Meteorologia e Geofísica da APMG. (USB Flash Drive)

21. Reis, A. H. (2011), Leaf shapes and venation patterns, Proc. of the Constructal Law Conference, December 1-2, 2011, Porto Alegre, Brazil (L. A. O. Rocha, UFRGS, Porto Alegre, Ed.) (CD-Rom).

22. Gama, C., C.J.E.M. Fortes, Baptista, P., L. Albardeiro, Pinheiro, L.(2011)- Medium-term evolution of an intermediate beach with an intertidal bar (Amoreira beach, Southwest Portuguese rocky coast). Proceendings of 11th International Coastal Symposium(ICS2011) .ISSN 0749-0208.

23. Gama, C., C. Coelho, Baptista, P., L. Albardeiro, (2011)- Equilibrium configuration of sandy embayed beaches from the Southwest Portuguese rocky coast. Proceendings of 11th International Coastal Symposium(ICS2011)ISSN 0749-0208.

24. Gama, C., Jalobeanu, A. (2011)- “Evaluation of the short-term sea cliff retreat along the Tróia- Sines Embayed Coast (Costa da Galé sector), using stereo digital aerial images and Bayesian inference” - AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, USA, Dec 2011.

25. Du, X.; Gama, C.; Liu, J. T. (2011) - “Sediment Transport using Grain Size Trend Analysis: A Case Study in SW of Portugal “- AOGS 2011 (OS18-A010), 8thAnnual Meeting and Geosciences World Community Exhibition, Taipei ,Taiwan, China, 8 to 12 August, 2011.

26. Freitas, M.C.; Andrade, C.; Alday, M.; Cearreta, A.; Gama, C.; Cruces, A.; Lopes, V.(2011)- Holocene paleoenvironmental evolution of the Aljezur alluvial plain (SW Portuguese coast). INQUA, International Union for Quaternary Research 2011. Bern, Switzerland 20- 27th July, 2011.

27. Miguel, A. F., (2011) Why natural systems are the way they are?. Proceedings of the Constructal Law Conference, December 1-2, 2011, Porto Alegre Brazil (editor: Luiz Rocha) 9 pages

28. Miguel, A. F., and Aydin, M. (2011) Ocean energy: exergy analysis and conversion. Proceedings of the Global Conference on Global Warming 2011, 11-14 July, 2011, Lisbon, Portugal (editors: A. M. Silva, A. H. Reis, D. Bortoli, J. Carneiro, M. J. Costa, M. Bezzeghoud, R. Salgado) 7 pages

29. PEREIRA, M. S. L. C. ; FERREIRA, L. O. C. ; SILVA, G. A. ; LUCIO, P. S. . Evolução da mortalidade e dos nãos potenciais e produtivos de vida perdidos por câncer de mama, em mulheres, no Rio Grande do Norte, entre 1988 e 2007. Epidemiologia e Serviços de Saúde, v. 20, p. 161-172, 2011.

30. Valadão, C. E.A. ; LUCIO, P. S. . Identificação das relações entre anomalias de precipitação no seridó/rn e anomalias de tsm na região nino 3.4 através da análise de correspondência. In: Simpósio Internacional de Climatologia da SBMET 2011, 2011, João Pessoa. IV Simpósio Internacional de Climatologia, 2011.

31. Santos, E. B. ; SPYRIDES, M. H. C. ; LUCIO, P. S. Relação entre a oscilação decenal do pacífico e regiões pluviometricamente homogêneas no estado de Alagoas. In: Simpósio Internacional de Climatologia da SBMET 2011, 2011, João Pessoa. IV Simpósio Internacional de Climatologia, 2011.

32. Santos, E. B. ; GOMES, A. C. S. ; SPYRIDES, M. H. C. ; LUCIO, P. S. Relação entre a oscilação decenal do pacífico e regiões pluviometricamente homogêneas no estado de Alagoas. In: IV Simpósio Internacional de Climatologia da SBMET, 2011, João Pessoa. Livro de Resumos do IV SIC. Rio de Janeiro : SBMET, 2011

33. Adam C., 2011. Hotspot Concept: The French Polynesia Complexity, in VOLCANOLOGY - A comprehensive approach to the volcanological arguments, In Tech, Ed. F. Stoppa, ISBN 978- 953-307-434-4.

34.  Bernardes, L., Carneiro, J., Abreu, M.P., 2011. CO2 Hydrates as a climate change mitigation strategy: Definition of stability zones in the Portuguese deep offshore. In Global Congress on Global Warming, July, Lisbon.

35. Boavida, D., Carneiro, J.F., et al., 2011. Integrated infrastructure for CO2 transport and storage in the west Mediterranean. Energy Procedia 4, 2440-2447

36. Buforn E., M. Mattesini, J. Martín Dávila, X. Goula, Y. Colom, A. Zollo, A. Udías, A. Pazos, A. Roca, L. Lozano, F. Carrilho, W. Hanka, R. Madariaga and M. Bezzeghoud, 2011. The ALERT-ES Project for earthquakes in Cape San Vicente region. S07, Earthquake Early Warning Capabilities and Delivery Around the World, AGU, 2011.

37.  Silva H.G., M.F. Graça, J.S. Monteiro, M. Bezzeghoud, R. N. Rosa, S.K. Mendiratta, and M. Tlemçani, 2011. Electric transport in different granitic rocks. Geophysical Research Abstracts, 13, EGU2011-3097

38. Dias N.A., and the WILAS Team, 2011. Closing the Seismic Coverage on Western Iberia: Project WILAS. Geophysical Research Abstracts, 13, EGU2011-3807

39.  Silva H.G., C. Serrano, A.D.H.S. Reis, M. Bezzeghoud, R.N. Rosa, J.F. Borges, B. Caldeira, M. Tlemçani, and P.F. Biagi, 2011. Influence of seismic activity in the atmospheric electrical field in Lisbon (Portugal) from 1961 until 1991. Geophysical Research Abstracts, 13, EGU2011-7444

40. Borges J.F., B. Caldeira, J. Carvalho, M. Bezzeghoud, 2011. Three-dimensional seismic ground motion modelling in Lower Tagus Valley from Finite difference simulations. Geophysical Research Abstracts, 13, EGU2011-9781

41. Pazos A., J.M. Davila, E. Buforn, W. Hanka, A. Udias, M. Bezzeghoud, and M. Harnafi, 2011. New OBS’s deployments in South Spain: FOMAR network and ALBO Observatory. Geophysical Research Abstracts, 13, EGU2011-10718

42.  Rocha J., M. Bezzeghoud, B. Caldeira, J. Borges, N. Dias, L. Matias, and A. Araújo, 2011. Microseismicity in the Algarve region (southern Portugal) and its seismotectonic implications. Geophysical Research Abstracts, 13, EGU2011-13419

43. Silva, A. M., Reis, A. H., Bortoli, D., Carneiro, J., Costa, M. J., Bezzeghoud, M., and Salgado, R., 2011 (editors). Proc. “Global Conference on Global Warming -2011” ISBN: 978-989- 95091-3-9

44.  Gama, C., Jalobeanu, A., 2011. Evaluation of the short-term sea cliff retreat along the Tróia- Sines Embayed Coast (Costa da Galé sector), using stereo digital aerial images and Bayesian inference - AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, USA, Dec 2011.

45. Petremand M., A. Jalobeanu, C. Collet, 2011. Optimal Bayesian Fusion of Large Hyperspectral Astronomical Observations - Statistical Methodology (STAMET), Special issue on Astrostatistics, 9(1-2), Apr.

46. Lopes, L. & Martins, R., 2011. Marbles from Portugal, World Stone Congress 2011, Xiamen, China, 12-15

47. Martins, R.; Lopes, L.; Ventura A. 2011, Procesos Experimentales Alvarado, Edgar Domínguez- Cuesta, María Editores; Instituto Geológico y Minero de Espanha; 978-84-96023-97-0;

48.  Carlos R., et al., 2011. Climate change towards more arid conditions in SW Iberia during the Holocene. Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol. 13, EGU2011-11411.

49.  Guerreiro, P.; Cunha, L.; Ribeiro, C., 2011. Geomorphological settings and tufa models in Algibre flexure (Algarve, Portugal). Soc. Geol. It., 16, 19-20.

50. Moita, P., Santos, Santos, J. Silva, P. e Pardal, E., 2011. Geochemical signature of Pomarinho enclave swarm (Ossa-Morena Zone, Portugal). Mineralogical Magazine, 1485.

51.  Moita,P., Santos, J.F. and Silva, P. (2011) - Isotopic data from the Pomarinho enclave swarm (SW Iberian Chain). 7th Hutton meeting, abstract book 101-102, ISBN 13978-84-694-5253-0.

52. Rosado L., et al. 2011. Composição mineralógica de algumas cerâmicas do Deposito Votivo de Garvão. IX Congresso ibérico de Arqueometria.

53.  Maury V., Piau J.-M., and D.D. Fitzenz, 2011, Mechanical effects of the presence of gas on the behaviour of faults modeled as a sandwiched Camclay material, 12th International Rock Mechanics Conference, Beijing, China.

54. Le Goff B., D.D. Fitzenz, and C. Beauval, 2011. Towards a Bayesian seismo-tectonic zoning for use in Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Assessment, AIP Conf. Proc. 1305, 242

55.  Jalobeanu A., 2011. Predicting spatial uncertainties in stereo photogrammetry: achievements and intrinsic limitations - 7th International Symposium on Spatial Data Quality, Coimbra, Portugal, Oct.

56.  Petremand M., C. Collet, A. Jalobeanu, 2011. Fusion bayésienne d’images hyperspectrales astronomiques - XXIIIe Colloque GRETSI, Bordeaux, France, Sep.

57. Jalobeanu A., G. Gonçalves, 2011. Probabilistic topographic maps from raw, full-waveform airborne LiDAR data - AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, USA, Dec.

58.  Gonçalves G., A. Jalobeanu, 2011. LiDAR boresight calibration: a comparative study - AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, USA, Dec.

59.  Gama C., A. Jalobeanu, 2011 Evaluation of the short-term sea cliff retreat along the Tróia- Sines Embayed Coast (Costa da Galé sector), using stereo digital aerial images and Bayesian inference - AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, USA, Dec.

60. Fitzenz D.D., A. Jalobeanu, M. Ferry, 2011. Toward Implementing Long-term Slip History and Paleoseismicity Into Active Fault Databases to Compute Effective Recurrence Models - AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, USA, Dec.

61.  Sant’Ovaia et al., 2011. Petrophysical characterization of the late-Variscan Santa Eulália Plutonic Complex (Ossa Morena Zone). 7th Hutton Symposium on Granites and Related Rocks. Avila, Spain, July, 131-132.

62.  Jalobeanu, 2011, Predicting spatial uncertainties in stereo photogrammetry: achievements and intrinsic limitations - 7th International Symposium on Spatial Data Quality, Coimbra, Portugal, Oct.

63. Baba, A., Tayfur, G., Gündüz, O., Howard, K., Friedel, M. & Chambel, A. Eds, 2011 - Climate Change and its Effects on Water Resources. NATO Science, C 3, Springer Science, 303.

64.  Monteiro, J.P. & Chambel, A., 2011 - Evaluation of four Climate Changes Scenarios on Groundwater Resources of the Escusa (Castelo de Vide) Aquifer, Central Portugal. A. Baba et al. (Eds), NATO Science, C 3, Springer Science, B.V., 235-246.

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