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Artigos (revistas internacionais) em 2004 Versão para impressão

Buforn E., M. Bezzeghoud, A. Udias and C. Pro, 2004 Seismic source in the Iberian-African plate boundary. Pageoph, 161, 3, 623 - 646.

Lind, P. G, João Corte-Real and Jason A. C. Gallas, 2004. Inducing coherence in networks of bistable maps by varying the interaction range, PHYSICAL REVIEW E 69, 026209:1-11

Lind, P. G, João Corte-Real and Jason A. C. Gallas, 2004. Pattern formation in diffusive-advective coupled map lattices. PHYSICAL REVIEW E 69, 066206:1-12

Lind, P. G., Jason A. C. Gallas and Hans J. Herrmann, 2004 Coherence in scale-free networks of chaotic maps. PHYSICAL REVIEW E 70, 056207:1-8

Lind, P. G., Sven Titz, Till Kuhlbrodt, João Corte-Real, Jurgen Kurths, Jason a. c. Gallas and Ulrike Feudel (2004). “Coupled bistable maps: a tool to study convection parameterization in ocean models”. International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, Vol. 14, No. 3, 999-1015

Lucio, P. S., 2004. Assessing HadCM3 Simulations from NCEP Reanalyses over Europe: Diagnostics of block-seasonal extreme temperature s regimes. Global and planetary change, v. 44, p. 39-57.

Lucio, P. S. 2004. Geostatistical Assessment of HadCM3 Simulations via NCEP Reanalyses over Europe. Atmospheric Science Letters, v. 3, p. 118-133

Lucio, P. S.; Silva, A. M., 2004. Diagnostic for Climate Extremes. Case study: "Geofísico" Institute of Lisbon - Portugal (1876-2000). The Journal of Meteorology (AMS), 29 (287), 87-94.

Lucio, P. S., Brito, N. L., 2004. Detecting Spatial Randomness: A Stat-Geometrical Alternative. Mathematical Geology, 36 (1), 79-99.

Lucio, P. S. ; Bodevan, E. C. ; Ddupont, H. 2004. Sediment Transport Paths in the Westeschelde: One-Dimensional alternative to Determine Sediment Trend. Journal of Coastal Research, v. 20, n. 3, p. 771-775.

Miguel, A. F.; A. H. Reis, M. Aydin (2004) "Aerosol particles deposition and distribution in bifurcating ventilation ducts". Journal of Hazardous Materials 116, 249-255

Pereira, M. F., Chichorro, M., Santos, J. F., Moita, P., Silva, J.B. (2004). Geochemistry of lower Paleozoic anorogenic basic rocks from the Evora Massif (Western Ossa-Morena Zone, Portugal). Geogaceta, 35: 87-90, Madrid

Pereira, M. F., Chichorro, M. (2004). Tectonic setting and provenance of clastic sediments from the Ossa-Morena Zone Neoproterozoic and Early Cambrian basins (Iberian Massif, Portugal, Alentejo). Geotemas 6 (2): 161-164, Madrid

Petritoli, A., P. Bonasoni, G. Giovanelli, F. Ravegnani, I. Kostadinov, D. Bortoli, A. Weiss, D. Schaub, A. Richter, andF. Fortezza, First comparison between ground-based and satellite-borne measurements of tropospheric nitrogen dioxide in the Po basin, J. Geophys. Res., 109, D15307, doi:10.1029/2004JD004547, 2004.

Ramalho E C. and A. Correia, 2004. On the use of geostatistical methods in surface heat flow density estimations - a case study from southern Portugal. (Accepted to be published in Geothermal Resources Council Transactions), 2004

Reis, A. H.; A. F. Miguel, M. Aydin (2004) "Constructal theory of flow architecture of the lungs" Medical Physics 31, 1135-1140 Budong Qian, Sam Gameda, Henry Hayhoe, Reinder De Jong and Andy Bootsma (2004) A comparison of LARS-WG and AAFC-WG stochastic weather generators for diverse Canadian climates. Climate Research, 14: 75-87.

Silva, J.B., Pereira, M. F. (2004). Transcurrent continental tectonics model for the Ossa-Morena Zone Neoproterozoic-Paleozoic evolution (SW Iberian Massif, Portugal). International Journal of Earth Sciences, Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg, 93: 886-896

Teixeira, J.,J. P. Ferreira, P.M.A. Miranda, T. Haack, J. Doyle, A.P. Siebesma and R. Salgado (2004); A new mixing length formulation for the parameterization of dry convection: Implementation and evaluation in a mesoscale model; Monthly Weather Review; Volume 132, No. 11, 2698-2710

Tiago Pereira and Ilídio Lopes, 2004, Amplitude variations in the sdBV star PG 1605+072: another beating time scale ?, Astronomy and Astrophysics, v.426, p.213217. 

Turck-Chi'eze,S.; García, R.A.; Couvidat, S.;Ulrich, R.K.; Bertello,L.; Varadi,F.; Kosovichev, A.G.; Gabriel,A.H.; Berthomieu,G.; Brun,A.S.; Lopes,I.; Pall & P.; Provost,J.; Robillot,J.M.; Roca Cortés,T. (2004) "Looking for Gravity- Mode Multiplets with the GOLF Experiment aboard SOHO The Astrophysical Journal, 604, Issue1,pp.455-468.

Yelles-Chaouch A.K., H. Djellit, H. Beldjoudi, M. Bezzeghoud and E. Buforn, 2004. The Ain Temouchent earthquake of December 22th, 1999. Pageoph, 161, 3, 607 - 621.

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