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Artigos (revistas internacionais) em 2001 Versão para impressão

LIND, P.G., CORTE-REAL, J.A and GALLAS, J.A., 2001: "Traveling waves induced by parameter fluctuations in rings of coupled maps". Physica A, 295, 297-300(2001).

LIND, P.G., CORTE-REAL, J.A and GALLAS, J.A., 2001: "The distribution of periodic and aperiodic pattern evolutions in rings of diffusively coupled maps". International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, 11, 2647-2661(2001).

Trigo R.M., Palutikof J.P. (2001) "Precipitation scenarios over Iberia: a comparison between direct GCM output and different downscaling techniques". Journal of Climate, 14, 4422-4446.

BEIMS, Marcus Werner; RECH, Paulo Cesar; GALLAS, Jason Alfredo Carlson. "Fractal and riddled basins: arithmetic signatures in the parameter space of two coupled quadratic maps". Physica A,Amsterdam, v. 295, p. 276-279, 2001.

GALLAS, Jason Alfredo Carlson. "Infinite hierarchies of nonlinearly dependent orbits". Physical Review E, New York, v. 63, p. 16216-1622, 2001.

ENDLER, Antonio; GALLAS, Jason Alfredo Carlson. Period four stability and multistability domains for the Henon map. Physica A, Amsterdam, v. 295, p. 285-290, 2001.

"Wind-induced airflow through permeable materials: part II" A. F. Miguel, N. J. van de Braak, A. M. Silva, G. P. A. Bot, Journal of Wind Eng. and Ind. Aerodynamics 89 (1), 59-72 (2001)

"Wind-induced airflow through permeable materials: part I" A. F. Miguel, N. J. van de Braak, A. M. Silva, G. P. A. Bot, Journal of Wind Eng. and Ind. Aerodynamics 89 (1), 45-57 (2001)

"Aerosol characterization and optical thickness retrievals using GOME and METEOSAT satellite data". - Maria João Costa, Marco Cervino, Elsa Cattani, Francesca Torricella,Vincenzo Levizzani, Ana Maria Silva. Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics, 2001 (in press).

S. Melani, E.Cattani, V.Levizzani, M.Cervino, F.Torricella, and Costa, M.J., : "Radiative effects of simulated cirrus clouds on top of a deep convective storm in METEOSAT Second Generation SEVIRI channels". Meteor.Atmos.Phys., 2001 (in press).

Formenti, P., M. O. Andreae, C. Ichoku, T. W. Andreae, G. Schebeske, A.J. Kettle, W. Maenhaut, J. Cafmeyer, A. Karnieli, and J. Lelieveld, Physical and Chemical Characteristics of Aerosols over the Negev Desert (Israel), J. Geophys. Res., 106, 4871-4890, 2001.

Formenti, P., M. O. Andreae, T. W. Andreae, E. Galani, A. Vasaras, C. Zerefos, V. Amiridis, L. Orlovsky, A. Karnieli, M. Wendisch, H. Wex, B. N. Holben, W. Maenhaut, and J. Lelieveld, Aerosol optical properties and large-scale transport of air masses: observations at a coastal and a semiarid site in the eastern Mediterranean during summer 1998, J. Geophys. Res., 106, 9807-9826, 2001.

Formenti, P., M. O. Andreae, J. Cafmeyer, W. Maenhaut, B. N. Holben, L. Lange, G. Roberts, P. Artaxo, and J. Lelieveld, Saharan dust in Brazil and Suriname during the Large-Scale Biosphere-Atmosphere Experiment in Amazonia (LBA) - Cooperative LBA Regional Experiment (CLAIRE) in March 1998, J. Geophys. Res., 106, 14919-14934, 2001.

A. Falkovich, E. Ganor, Z. Levin, P. Formenti, and Y. Rudich, Chemical and mineralogical analysis of individual mineral dust particles, J. Geophys. Res., 106, 18029-18036, 2001.

Formenti, P., H. Winkler, P. Fourie, B. Makgopa, G. Helas, and M. O. Andreae, Aerosol optical depth over a remote semi-arid region of South Africa from spectral measurements of the daytime solar extinction and the nighttime stellar extinction, Atmos. Res., in press, 2001.

Formenti, P., T. Reiner, D. Sprung, A. Rausch, B. Steude, M. O. Andreae, M. Wendisch, H. Wex, D. Kindred, K. Dewey, J. Kent, M. Tzourtziou, A. Vasaras, C. Zerefos, The STAAARTE-MED summer airborne measurements over the Aegean Sea: I. Sulfur dioxide, sulfate, and aerosols, J. Geophys. Res., in press, 2001.

Formenti, P., O. Boucher, T. Reiner, D. Sprung, M. O. Andreae, M. Wendisch, H. Wex, D. Kindred, M. Tzourtziou, A. Vasaras, C. Zerefos, The STAAARTE-MED summer airborne measurements over the Aegean Sea: II. Aerosol scattering and absorption, and radiative calculations, J. Geophys. Res., in press, 2001.

Piketh, S. J., R. J. Swap, W. Maenhaut, H. J. Annegarn, and P Formenti, Chemical evidence of long-range atmospheric transport over southern Africa, J. Geophys. Res., in press, 2001.

Salgado, R., P. Lacarrèrre, P. Miranda, J. Noilhan, 2001, "Boundary Layer Development and Summer Circulations in Southern Portugal", Montly Weather Review (submitted)

Reis M.J., Rosa R., Bettencourt A.O., Brogueira A.L., "Size Distributions of Short-Lived Radon and Thoron Daughters and Cosmogenic 7Be Associated with Aerosols in the Surface Air at Sacavém (Lisbon)", submitted to Applied Radiation and Isotopes(2001).

Correia, A. and Safanda, J., 2001, Ground surface temperature history at a single site in southern Portugal reconstructed from borehole temperatures. Global and Planetary Change, 29, nos 3-4, 155-165.

Borges, J.F., Fitas, A.J., Bezzeghoud, M., and Costa, P.T., 2001, Seismotectonics of Portugal and its adjacent Atlantic Area, Tectonophysics 337 (2001), 373-387.

Pereira, M.Francisco & Silva, J.Brandao (2001). A new model for the Hercynian Orogen of Gondwanan France and Iberia: discussion. Jour.Struct. Geol. 23: 835-838

Coke, R. Dias & A. Ribeiro "Rheologically induced structure anomalies in transpressive regimes", Journal Structural Geology,(in press) 2001.

Electronic State of Oxygen in Oxide Minerals: a XAS study on the influence of cationic environment. Figueiredo, M.O. & Mirao, J.A.P. (2001) European Journal of Mineralogy, (accepted).

"Thermal Treatments of Activated Carbon Fibres using a Microwave Furnace", P.J.M. Carrott, J.M.V. Nabais, M.M.L. Ribeiro Carrott & J.A. Menéndez, Microporous & Mesoporous Materials, 47 (2001) 243-252

"Preparation of Activated Carbon Fibres from Acrylic Textile Fibres", P.J.M. Carrott, J.M.V. Nabais, M.M.L. Ribeiro Carrott & J.A. Pajares, Carbon, 39 (2001) 1543-1555

"Reference Data for the Adsorption of Dichloromethane on Carbon Materials", P.J.M. Carrott, M.M.L. Ribeiro Carrott & I.P.P. Cansado, Carbon, 39 (2001) 465-472

"Reference Data for the Adsorption of Methanol on Carbon Materials", P.J.M. Carrott, M.M.L. Ribeiro Carrott & I.P.P. Cansado, Carbon, 39 (2001) 193-200

"Adsorption of Nitrogen, Neopentane, n-Hexane, Benzene and Methanol for the Evaluation of Pore Sizes in Silica Grades of MCM-41", M.M.L. Ribeiro Carrott, A.J. Estêvão Candeias, P.J.M. Carrott, P.I. Ravikovitch, A.V. Neimark & A.D. Sequeira, Microporous & Mesoporous Materials, 47 (2001) 323-337

"Three-Dimensional Evolution of Worms and Chimneys in the Galactic Disk", M. de Avillez & D.L. Berry, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 328(3), 708-712, 2001.

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