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Artigos (revistas internacionais) em 2009 Versão para impressão

Adriano, P.; A. Santos Silva, R. Veiga, J. Mirão, A.E. Candeias (2009) “Microscopic characterisation of old mortars from the Santa Maria Church in Évora”, Materials Characterization, 60 (7) 610-620.

Altunel, E., Meghraoui, M., Karabacak, V., Akyüz, S., Ferry, M., Yalciner, C., and Munschy, M., 2009, Archaeological sites (Tell and Road) offset by the Dead Sea Fault in the Amik Basin, Southern Turkey: Geophysical Journal International, v. 179, p. 1313-1329.

Antón, M. López, M.J. Costa, A. Serrano, D. Bortoli, M. Bañón, J. M. Vilaplana, and A. M. Silva, (2009) Influence of the ozone profile above Madrid (Spain) on Brewer estimation of ozone air mass factor, Annales Geophysicae, 27, 3179–3183.

Antón, D. Bortoli, J.M. Vilaplana, A.M. Silva, A. Serrano, M.J. Costa, B. de la Morena, and M. Kroon, (2009) Total ozone column from direct and diffuse spectral solar irradiance in the Southwest of the Iberian peninsula, Journal of Geophysical Research – Atmosphere, doi:10.1029/2009JD012514.

Aydin, M.; A. H. Reis, A. F. Miguel. "Effect of suspended particles on convective heat transfer enhancement". International Journal of Energy Research 33, 180-185 (2009)

Bortoli D., A.M. Silva, G. Giovanelli, A new multipurpose UV-Vis spectrometer for air quality monitoring and climatic studies, International Journal of Remote Sensing, 2009, in press, accepted on 16/01/2009.

Bortoli D., A.M. Silva, M. J. Costa, A.F. Domingues and G. Giovanelli, Monitoring of atmospheric ozone and nitrogen dioxide over the south of Portugal by ground-based and satellite observations, Optic Express 17, 15, 12944-12959, 2009

Bortoli D., A.M. Silva, M.J. Costa, A.F. Domingues and G. Giovanelli, Monitoring of atmospheric minor compounds at the Evora Station - Portugal, International Journal of Remote Sensing, 30, 15-16, 4209-4226, 2009.

Caldeira, B., Bezzeghoud M., Borges J. F., 2009, DIRDOP: a directivity approach to determining the seismic rupture velocity vector, Journal of Seismology, in open access, DOI: 10.1007/s10950-009-9183-x.

Canhoto, P., A. H. Reis, A. F. Miguel "Performance analysis of an endoreversible heat pump system for optimal air-ground or water environmental." International Journal of Energy Research 33, 205–210 (2009)

Carneiro, Júlio; e José M. Carvalho, 2009. Groundwater modelling as an urban planning tool: issues raised by a small scale model. Quarterly Journal of Engineering Geology and Hydrogeology. 13 pp. doi: 10.1144/1470-9236/08-028

Carneiro, Júlio; 2009. Numerical simulations on the influence of matrix diffusion to carbon sequestration in double porosity fissured aquifers. International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control. 3(4): 431-443. doi:10.1016/j.ijggc.2009.02.006.

Carneiro, Júlio; M. Boughriba, A. Correia, Y. Zarhloule, A. Rimi and B. El Houadi, 2009. Density dependent numerical modelling of a high salinity coastal aquifer in NE Morocco, with a focus on climate change effects. Journal of Environmental Earth Sciences. doi: 10.1007/s12665-009-0339-3.

Gil, M.; R. Green, A. Seruya, M.L.Carvalho, I. Queralt, A. E. Candeias, J. Mirão (2009) “Rediscovering Alentejo (South Portugal) earth pigments palette: provenance and characterization by LA-ICP-MS and spectra-colorimetric analysis”, Applied Physics A, 96, 4, 997-1007.

Jacob, J., Gama, C., Salgado, R., Liu, J. and Silva, A. (2009)- Shadowing effects on beach morphodynamics during storm events on Tróia-Sines embayed coast, southwest Portugal. Journal of Coastal Research, SI 56, 73-77.

Jiang, Z., Becker, M., Francis, O., Germak, A., Palinkas, V., Jousset, P., Kostelecky, J., Dupont, F., Lee, C.W., Tsai, C.L., Falk, R., Wilmes, H., Kopaev, A., Ruess, D., Ullrich, M.C., Meurers, B., Mrlina, J., Deroussi, S., Metivier, L., Pajot, G., Santos, F.P.D., Ruymbeke, M.v., Naslin, S., and Ferry, M., 2009, Relative Gravity Measurement Campaign during the 7th International Comparison of Absolute Gravimeters (2005): Metrologia, v. 46, p. 214-226.

Joshi, M.V.; A. Jalobeanu: “MAP estimation for Multiresolution Fusion in Remotely Sensed Images using an IGMRF Prior Model” - IEEE Trans. on Geoscience and Remote Sensing (TGRS), accepted, Jul 2009.

Martins, A.A., Cunha, P.P., Huot, S., Murray, A., Buylaert, J.P., 2009. Geomorphological correlation of the tectonically displaced Tejo river terraces (Gavião-Chamusca area, Portugal) supported by luminescence dating. Elsevier Editors, Quaternary International 199, 75–91.

Martins, R.; S. Fialho, M. Lima, D. Tavares, J. Mirão, S. Valadas and A.E. Candeias (2009) "Biodegradation assessment of a 16th century fresco from Southern Portugal", Microscopy and Microanalysis, 15(S3), 65-66.

Miguel, A. F.; A. H. Reis and M. Melgão, 2009, “Indoor-outdoor aerosol concentrations in two Portuguese cities and the global warming scenario” Int. J. Global Warming, Vol. 1, Nos. 1/2/3, pp. 356-367.

Miguel, A. F. Dendritic Structures for Fluid Flow: laminar, turbulent and constructal design. Journal of Fluids and Structures (2009) accepted

Miguel, A. F. Unifying Theory for Natural and Man-Made Flow Systems: an application to design of porous material for particulate control. Defects and Diffusion (2009) accepted

Miguel, A. F., A. Silva. Solar irradiation in diffusely enclosures with partitions. Applied Energy (2009) in press.

Miguel, A. F. "Constructal theory of pedestrian dynamics" Physics Letters A 373, 1734-1738 (2009).

Miguel, A. F., A. Bejan. "The principle that generates dissimilar patterns inside aggregates of organisms". Journal Physica A 388, 727-731 (2009).

Miguel, A. F., A. H. Reis. "Moisture intrusion in viscoelastic porous media: induced-stress and deformation". Journal of Thermal Science 13, 47-54 (2009).

Miranda, R.; Valadares, V.; Terrinha, P.; Mata, J.; Azevedo, M.R.; Gaspar, M.; Kullberg, J.C.; Ribeiro, C. (2009). Age constrains on the late Cretaceous alkaline magmatism on the West Iberian margin. Cretaceous Research, Vol. 30, Issue 3, pp. 575-586.

Moita, P., Santos, J.F., and Pereira, M.F., 2009, Layered granitoids: Interaction between continental crust recycling processes and mantle-derived magmatism. Examples from the Évora Massif (Ossa-Morena Zone, Southwest Iberia, Portugal): Lithos, v.111, (3-4), p.125-141, doi: 10.1016/j.lithos.2009.02.009.

Pereira, MF, Silva, JB., Chichorro, M., 2009. Comment on “Geodynamic evolution of the SW Europe Variscides”. Tectonics 28, TC4009, doi:10.1029/2008TC002430.

Pereira, M.F., Silva, J.B., Ribeiro, C., 2009. The role of bedding in the formation of fault-fold structures, Portalegre-Esperança transpressional shear zone, SW Iberia. Geological Journal 44: 1-15, DOI: 10.1002/gj.1200

Reis, A.H., and Claudia Serrano, 2009 “Coal and fuel burning effects on the atmosphere as mediated by the atmospheric electric field and the galactic cosmic rays flux”, Int. J. Global Warming, Vol. 1, Nos. 1/2/3, pp. 57-65.

Reis, A. H.; and Miguel, A. F.; 2009, “The changing energy paradigm, challenges, and new developments”, International Journal of Energy Research, 33:111.

Reis, H. & Gama, C. (2010)- Sand size versus beachface slope - an explanation based on the Constructal law. Geomorphology, 114, pp. 276-283.

Ribeiro, A.;Munha, J.; Dias, R.; Mateus, A.; Pereira, E.; Ribeiro, L.; Fonseca, P.; Araújo, A.; Oliveira, T.; Romão, J.; Chaminé, H.; Coke, C. and Pedro, J. (2009). Reply to comment by M. Francisco Pereira et al. on ‘‘Geodynamic evolution of the SW Europe Variscides’’. TECTONICS, VOL. 28, TC4010, doi:10.1029/2009TC002488

Ribeiro, A.; Munhá, J.; Fonseca, P.E.;Araújo, A.; Pedro, J.C.; Mateus, A.; Tassinari, C..; Machado, G. & Jesus, A. (2009) Variscan ophiolite belts in the Ossa-Morena Zone (Southwest Iberia): Geological characterization and geodynamic significance. Gondwana Research, doi:10.1016/

Rocha, R.C.; Araújo, A.; Borrego, J. S. & Fonseca, P. E. (2009). Transected folds with opposite patterns in Terena Formation (Ossa Morena Zone, Portugal): Anomalous structures resulting from sedimentary basin anisotropies. Geodinamica Acta 22/1 (2009) 1-7, doi:10.3166/ga.22.1-7

Rockwell, T., Ragona, D., Seitz, G., Langridge, R., Aksoy, M.E., Uçarkus, G., Ferry, M., Meltzner, A.J., Klinger, Y., Meghraoui, M., Satir, D., Barka, A., and Akbalik, B., 2009, Palaeoseismology of the North Anatolian Fault near the Marmara Sea: implications for fault segmentation and seismic hazard: Geological Society, London, Special Publication, v. 316, p. 31-54.

Salgado, R., and Le Moigne, P.: Coupling of the FLake model to the Surfex externalized surface model, Boreal Environ. Res., 15, 2010, in press, accepted on 9 Sep. 2009.

Santos, A., Koshimura, S. and Imamura, F., “The 1755 Lisbon Tsunami: Tsunami source determination and its validation”, Journal Disaster Research, vol.4, No. 1, pp. 41-52, 2009

Schiavon, N.; & G.A. Mazzocchin (2009). The Provenance of Sand in Mortars from Roman Villas in Ne Italy: a Chemical-Mineralogical Approach. Open Mineralogy Journal 3, pp.32-39.

Serrenho, A., A. F. Miguel. "Simulation and characterization of high porosity media for aerosol particle processing – a numerical study". Journal of Porous Media (2009) in press.

Wagner, F., D. Bortoli, S. Pereira, M.J. Costa, A.M. Silva, B. Weinzierl, M. Esselborn, A. Petzold, K. Rasp, B. Heinold, and I. Tegen (2009): Properties of dust aerosol particles transported to Portugal from the Sahara desert, 61 B Tellus, 61B (1), 297–30.

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