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Artigos (revistas internacionais) em 2008 Versão para impressão

Adam, C., and A. Bonneville (2008), No thinning of the lithosphere beneath northern part of the Cook-Austral volcanic chains, J. Geophys. Res., 113, B10104, doi:10.1029/2007JB005313.

Aydin, M., Reis, A. H., Miguel, A. F. (2008) Effect of suspended particles on convective heat transfer enhancement. International Journal of Energy Research (in press)

Balik, G., Reis, A. H., Aydin, M., Miguel, A. F., (2008) Behaviour of submicrometer particles in periodic alveolar airflows. European Journal of Applied Physiology 102, 677–683

Bortoli D., A.M. Silva, M.J. Costa, A.F. Domingues and G. Giovanelli, 2008: Monitoring of atmospheric minor compounds at the Evora Station - Portugal, International Journal of Remote Sensing, accepted for publication on 22 October 2008

C. Morais, L. Rosado, J. Mirao, A.P. Pinto, P. Nogueira, A.E. Candeias (2008) Impact of acid mine drainage from Tinoca Mine on the Abrilongo dam (southeast Portugal), Mineralogical Magazine, 72(1), 467-472

Canhoto, P., Reis, A. H., Miguel, A. F. (2008) Performance analysis of an endoreversible heat pump system for optimal air-ground or water environmental exergy potential utilization. International Journal of Energy Research (in press)

Chichorro, M., Pereira, M.F., Diaz-Azpiroz, M., Williams, I.S., Fernandez, C., Pin, C., Silva, J.B., 2008, Cambrian ensialic rift-related magmatism in the Ossa-Morena Zone (Évora-Aracena metamorphic belt, SW Iberian Massif): Sm-Nd isotopes and SHRIMP zircon U-Th-Pb geochronology, Tectonophysics doi:10.1016/j.tecto.2008.01.008

Cunha, P.P.; Martins, A.A.; Huot, S.; Murray, A. & Raposo, L. (2008). Dating the Tejo River lower terraces in the Ródão area (Portugal) to assess the role of tectonics and uplift. Geomorphology 102, 43-54.

Dias, R. & Ribeiro, A. (2008) – "Heterogeneous strain behaviour in competent layers during folding in transpressive regimes". Geodinamica Acta, 21/4, 219-229.

Dionisio, A., A. Heitor Reis, Luis Coelho, 2008, “Utility function estimation: The entropy approach”, Physica A, 387, 3862–3867.

Elisa Palazzi, Andrea Petritoli, Fabrizio Ravegnani, Ivan Kostadinov, Daniele Bortoli, Samuele Masieri, Margherita Premuda, and Giorgio Giovanelli, Retrieval of Gas Pollutants Vertical Profile in the Boundary Layer by Means of Multiple Axis DOAS, Special Issue IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING, 46, 10, 2796 - 2802, 2008 (I.F.: 1.752)

Ezzouhairi, H., M.L. Ribeiro, N. Aït-Ayad, M.E. Moreira, A. Charif, A., J.M.F. Ramos, D. D’Oliveira and C. Coke, 2008. The magmatic evolution at the Moroccan outboard of the West African Craton between the Late Neoproterozoic and the Early Palaeozoic. In: Ennih, N. & Liégeois, J.-P. (eds) The boundaries of the West African Craton. Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 297, 329-343.

Hildenbrand, A; Madureira, P.; Marques, F.; Cruz, I.; Henry, B. & Silva, P. (2008). Multi-stage evolution of a sub-aerial volcanic ridge over the last 1.3 Myr: S. Jorge Island, Azores Triple Junction. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 273: 289-298.

L. Alados-Arboledas,A. Alcantara, F.J. Olmo, J.A. Martınez-Lozano,V. Estellés, V. Cachorro, A.M. Silva, H. Horvath, M. Gangle, A. Dıaz, M. Pujadas, J. Lorente, A. Labajo, M. Sorribas, G. Paves "Aerosol columnar properties retrieved from CIMEL radiometers during VELETA 2002" Atmospheric Environment 42 (2008) 2654-2667;

L. Rosado, C. Morais, A.E. Candeias, A.P. Pinto, F. Guimaraes, J. Mirao (2008) Weathering of S. Domingos (Iberian Pyritic Belt) abandoned mine slags, Mineralogical Magazine, 72(1), 489-494

Linnemann, U., Pereira, M.F., Jeffries, T., Drost, K., Gerdes, A., 2008. Cadomian Orogeny and the opening of the Rheic Ocean: New insights in the diacrony of geotectonic processes constrained by LA-ICP-MS U-Pb zircon dating (Ossa-Morena and Saxo-Thuringian Zones, Iberian and Bohemian Massifs)", Tectonophysics, doi:10.1016/j.tecto.2008.05.0020

M. Gil, M.L. Carvalho, A. Seruya, I. Ribeiro, A.E. Candeias, J.Mirão (2008) Limewashing paintings in Alentejo urban heritage: Pigments characterization and differentiation by WDXRF and XRD, Applied Physics A, 90 (1), pp. 49-54.

M. Gil, M.L. Carvalho, A. Seruya, I. Ribeiro, P. Alves, A. Guilherme, A. Cavaco, J. Mirão. A.E. Candeias (2008) Pigment characterization and state of conservation of an 18th Century fresco in the Convent of S. António dos Capuchos (Estremoz), X-ray spectrometry, 37(1), pp. 328-337

Miguel, A. F., (2008) An analytic approach to capillary pressure in tree-shaped networks. The Open Thermodynamics Journal 2, 39-43

Miguel A. F., (2008) Constructal design of solar energy based systems for buildings. Energy and Buildings 40, 1020-1030

Miguel, A. F., Reis, A. H., (2008) Moisture intrusion in viscoelastic porous media: induced-stress and deformation. Journal of Thermal Science (accepted).

Miguel, A. F., Bejan, A., (2008) The principle that generates dissimilar patterns inside aggregates of organisms. Physica A (accepted)

Miguel, A. F., Reis, A. H, (2008) Special Issue “Recent Advances in Exergy Research”. International Journal of Exergy (Inderscience Publishers) volume 5, nºs 5/6 .

Miranda, R., Valadares, V., Terrinha, P., Mata, J., Azevedo, M.R., Gaspar, M., Kullberg, J.C. & Ribeiro, C. Age constrains on the Late Cretaceous alkaline magmatism on the west Iberian margin. (accepted for publication the 13th November 2008) Cretaceous Research.

MOITA, SANTOS AND PEREIRA (accepted, 2008, July) Layered granitoids: interaction between continental crust recycling processes and mantle-derived magmatism. Example from the Évora Masif (Ossa-Morena Zone, southwest Iberia, Portugal). Lithos Special volume.

P. Adriano, A. Santos Silva, R. Veiga, J. Mirão, A.E. Candeias (2008) Microscopic characterisation of old mortars from the Santa Maria Church in Évora, Materials Characterization, (aceite para publicação, Setembro de 2008), 12pp.

Pereira, s., Wagner, F., Silva, A. M. Scattering properties and mass concentration of local and long-range transported aerosols over the South Western Iberia Peninsula (2008). Atmospheric Environment, 42 (33), pp. 7623-7631. doi:10.1016/j.atmosenv.2008.06.008.

Pereira, M.F., Apraiz, A., Silva, J.B., Chichorro, M., 2008. Tectonothermal analysis of high-temperature mylonitization in the Coimbra-Cordoba shear zone (SW Iberian Massif, Ouguela tectonic unit, Portugal): Evidence of intra-continental transcurrent transport during the amalgamation of Pangea. Tectonophysics, doi: 10.1016/j.tecto.2007.11.042

Reis, A. H., Claudia Serrano, (2008) “Coal and fuel burning effects on the atmosphere as mediated by the atmospheric electric field and the galactic cosmic rays flux”, Accepted for publication in Int. J. of Global Warming, InderScience Pub.

Reis, A. H. (2008) Constructal view of the scaling laws of street networks — the dynamics behind geometry. Physica A, 387, 617-622

Rui N. Rosa and Diogo R.N. Rosa. "Exergy Cost of Mineral Resources", Int. J. Exergy 5 (5/6) 532-555 (2008).

S. Valadas, D. Tavares, J. Coroado, A. Santos Silva, J. Mirão, A.E. Candeias (2008) “Characterisation of mural paintings from the Misericórdia Church of Odemira”, Materials Science Forum, 587-588, pp 1019-1023

Santos, D., Costa, M. J., and A. M. Silva: Direct SW aerosol radiative forcing over Portugal, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 8, 5771-5786, 2008.

Serrenho, A, Miguel, A. F. (2008) Simulation and characterization of high porosity media for aerosol particle processing – a numerical study. Journal of Porous Media (accepted).

Solá, A.R., Pereira, M.F., Williams, I.S., Ribeiro, M.L., Neiva, A.M.R.., Montero, B., Bea, F., Zinger, T., 2008. New insights from U-Pb zircon dating of Early Ordovician magmatism on the northern Gondwana margin: The Urra Formation (SW Iberian Massif, Portugal). Tectonophysics, doi: 10.1016/j.tecto.2008.01.011

Wagner, F. and A. M. Silva (2008): Some considerations about Ångström exponent distributions, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 8, 481-489.

Y. Sola1, J. Lorente1, E. Campmany1, X. de Cabo1, J. Bech, A. Redaño, J.A. Martínez-Lozano, M.P. Utrillas, L. Alados-Arboledas, F. J. Olmo, J.P. Díaz, F.J. Expósito,V. Cachorro, M. Sorribas, A. Labajo, J.M. Vilaplana, A.M. Silva, J. Badosa (2008) " Altitude effect in UV radiation during the Evaluation of the Effects of Elevation and Aerosols on the Ultraviolet Radiation 2002 (VELETA-2002) field campaign " Journal of Geophysical Research, VOL. 113, D23202:1-11, doi:10.1029/2007JD009742.

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