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Artigos (outras revistas) em 2007 Versão para impressão

Araújo, A. e Rocha, R. C., 2007. Transected Folds with opposite patterns in Terena Formation (Ossa-Morena Zone, South Portugal). Mechanics of Variscan Orogeny: a modern view on orogenic research. Géologie de la France, nº 2, BRGM, pp. 58.

Borges J., Bezzeghoud M., Caldeira B., Grandin R., 2007. The recent 2007 Portugal earthquake (Mw=6.1) in the seismotectonic context of the SW Atlantic area. EMSC Newsletters, special issue, Nº 22, May 2007, 26-29.

Caldeira B., Carrilho F. , Miranda M., Bezzeghoud M., Alves P., Silveira  G. , Villalonga F.,Pena  J. , Matias L., Borges  J., Vales D.,  Corela C., and G. Madureira, 2007. Recent improvements in the Broadband seismic networks in Portugal, EMSC Newsletters, special issue, Nº 22, May 2007, 18-19.

Davila J., Pazos A. , E. Buforn, Udías A.,  Bezzeghoud M., Caldeira B., Rimi A., Harnafi M., Hanka W., A. Nadji,  2007, Broad band “Western Mediterranean” an ocean botton “fomar” seismological networks. EMSC Newsletters, special issue, Nº 22, May 2007, 16-17.

Davila J., Pazos A. , E. Buforn, Udías A.,  Bezzeghoud M., Caldeira B., Rimi A., Harnafi M., Hanka W. and  A. Nadji, 2007. The 12/02/2007 SW Cape San Vicente Earthquake: SFS (San Fernando SP) and WM (Western Mediterranean) networks preliminary report. Orfeus Newsletter, vol. 7-No 2, May 2007, 

García de Prado Fontela, J., M.T. de Tena Rey,C. Pro Muñoz, 2007. Estudio Topográfico y Prospección Geoeléctrica de las áreas de depósito de una pequeña cuenca hidrográfica en la provincia de Cáceres.Mapping, 115,44-49.

Manhita, A.; C.T. Costa, T. Ferreira, J. Mirão, H. Vargas, I. Ribeiro, I. Seruya, L. Alves, A.E. Candeias (2007) Rediscovering the materials of Arraiolos historical tapestries: fibre and mordant analysis by SEM-EDX and μ-PIXE, Microscopy and Microanalysis, 14 (Suppl. 3), 91-94

Martín-Davila, J.,  Pazos A., Buforn E., Udías  A., Bezzeghoud, M.,  Harnafi M., Caldeira B., Rimi A., Hanka W. and  A. Nadji,  2007, THE “WESTERN MEDITERRANEAN” (WM) BROAD BAND SEISMIC NETWORK, 2007 FDSN Meeting 8-11 July 2007 Perugia, Italy. Reports, publicado electronicamente em

Miguel, A. F.; Paulo Canhoto and António H. Reis, 2007. Optimization of geometry and performance of cooling bundles of parallel tubes with pumping fluid requirements. in: Proceedings of the ASME/JSME Thermal Engineering Summer Heat Transfer Conference 2007, Vol. 1, pp. 639-644, ISBN 0-7918-3801-3.

Miranda R, Mata J, Valadares V, Terrinha P, Azevedo MR, Gaspar M, Kullberg JC, Ribeiro C (2007). Age constraints on the Late Cretaceous alkaline magmatism on the West Iberian Margin. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta Volume: 71 Issue: 15 Pages: A671-A671 Supplement: Suppl. S.

Pro C., 2007. Velocidad de propagación de la ruptura en un terremoto. Mapping, 115, 78-82.

Ramos A. M.; Freitas, S. ; Longo, K. ; Conde, F. C. ; Corte-Real, J. ; Silva, A. M. ; Fazenda, A. L. ; Recuero, F. S. ; Soares, D. M. . A Comparison between Biomass Burning Aerosols Modelled and Measured by AERONET Network in the Iberian Peninsula. In: C A Brebbia; C Borrego,. (Org.). Air Pollution XV. Southampton, UK: WIT Press, v. 101, p. 497-503, 2007.

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