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Cumulus Boundary Layers in the Atmosphere: High Resolution Models and Satellite Observations
Quarta-feira, 05 Dezembro 2012,  3:00
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Por: João Martins

Instituto Dom Luiz


Data: 5 de Dezembro 2012

Hora: 15:00
Local: Anfiteatro 4 - CLAV



Planetary Boundary Layer (PBL) mediates the interactions between the Earth surface and the free troposphere, through the turbulent fluxes of heat, moisture, momentum and chemical constituents. Its structure influences the cloud types that characterize a given region. In this talk focus is given to different scales/regions: - Amazon (convective development over land) - Caribbean/shallow cumulus convection over the ocean - GPCI/WGNE Pacific Cross Section (Lagrangian transition from stratocumulus to shallow cumulus and deep cumulus along the Trade winds - Climatology of PBL height over the tropical, subtropical and mid-latitude oceans. In each exercise, different sets of data were used, from high resolution models to climate model output and reanalysis, in situ radiosondes and also remote sensing data. The weaknesses and strengths of each dataset are emphasized and show that the PBL characterization is still a challenging issue both in observational and modelling perspectives.

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