University of Évora, Colégio L.A. Verney, Anfiteatro 1

   14:15 - Direction of the Geophysics Centre of Évora: Wellcome and Introduction

   Chair: Mourad Bezzeghoud (Geophysics Centre of Évora)
   Carlos Cramez (geologist, President of H.E.A.T. Consulting, Switzerland)
       Nature Principles - Energy Problems - New HC Discoveries
   Jean Laherrère (geologist-geophysicist, former head of TOTAL Exploration techniques, ASPO & ASPO France)
       Peak oil and energy related peaks!
   Pedro Prieto (Crisis Energetica, ASPO-Spain, and AEREN, Spain)
       Energy in Spain: Renewables, Opportunities and Threats

   16:45 - Open Debate

   17:30 - Rui Namorado Rosa (Geophysics Centre of Évora and ASPO): Final comment

Attendance is free, however, in case you wish to attend, we ask you kindly send a message with your identification to register to the address:

The Seminar will be followed by the public presentation (in Portuguese) of the Association for the Study of Peak Oil and Gas - ASPO - and the announcement of its Portuguese branch, with the presence of its two national members - Manuel Collares-Pereira and Rui Namorado Rosa. The DVD with the works of the IV INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP ON OIL AND GAS DEPLETION, held in Lisbon on 19-20 May 2005, and the website of ASPO-Portugal will be launched then.