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Livros (capítulos) em 2008 Versão para impressão

Borges, J. F., B. Caldeira M. Bezzeghoud and E. Buforn, 2008. Seismicity and seismotectonics of Azores Region: Geodynamic Implications, 99-110. A Bookonthe 1998 Azores earthquake - 10 years after it's occurrence 741 pp.

Cunha, P.P., Martins, A. A., Pais, J. (2008) O estudo do Cenozóico em Portugal continental: “estado da arte” e perspectivas futuras. In: A Terra: conflitos e ordem. Livro de Homenagem ao Prof. António Ferreira Soares, Univ. de Coimbra, pp.101 – 110.

EZZOUHAIRI, H., RIBEIRO, M.L., AÏT-AYAD, N., MOREIRA, M.E., CHARIF, A., RAMOS, J.M.F., D’OLIVEIRA, D. & COKE, C. (2008) The magmatic evolution at the Moroccan outboard of the West African Craton between the Late Neoproterozoic and the Lower Palaeozoic. In: Ennih, N. & Liégeois, J.-P. (eds) The boundaries of the West African Craton. Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 297, 329-343.

L. Blanc-Féraud, L. Mugnier, A. Jalobeanu: "Déconvolution aveugle" in traité IC2 - Problèmes inverses en imagerie et vision, A. Mohammad-Djafari, ed., in press, 2008

Falé, P.; Lopes, L.; Martins, R.; Henriques, P.; Carvalho, J.; Viegas, J.; Cabaço, J. (2008) – A Rota do Mármore no Anticlinal de Estremoz (Portugal), in Paúl Carron M. Ed., Rutas Minerales de Iberoamérica, ISBN 978-9942-01-654. RUMYS, Rutas Minerales y Sostenibilidad, CYTED - Programa Iberoamericano de Ciencia y Tecnologia para el Desarrollo. Guayaquill, Equador; pp. 169 – 177..

Duarte, I.; Pinho, A.; Lopes, L.; Faria, P. & Nogueira, P. (2008) – Training in Geological Engineering (1st and 2nd cycle degree). The Experience of University of Évora (Portugal) in Iacint Manoliu & Nicoleta Radulescu, eds., Education and Training in Geo-engineering Sciences: Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, Engineering Geology, Rock Mechanics, A Balkema Book, Taylor and Francis Group, London, ISBN: 978-0-415-47593-8; pp. 453 – 457.

Miguel, A. F., Pattern formation and self-organization in living systems: a unified view for coral colonies and crowd dynamics. In: "Constructal Human Dynamics, Security and Sustainability". NATO Science Series, IOS Press (2008)

Pereira, M.F., Chichorro, M., Williams, I.S., Silva, J.B., 2008. Zircon U-Pb geochronology of paragneisses and biotite granites from the SW Iberian Massif (Portugal): evidence for a paleogeographic link between the Ossa-Morena Ediacaran basins and the West African craton, In: J.P. Liégeois, E. Nasser, eds., The boundaries of the West African Craton, Geological Society of London Special Publication, 297:385-408

Reis, A. H., The scaling laws of street networks - the dynamics behind the geometry. In: "Constructal Human Dynamics, Security and Sustainability". NATO Science Series, IOS Press (2008)

S. Bricq, C. Collet, F. Flitti, A. Jalobeanu: "Fusion et multi-modalité" in traité IC2 - Problèmes inverses en imagerie et vision, A. Mohammad-Djafari, ed., in press, 2008

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