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Comunicações (Resumos) em 2005 Versão para impressão

Ait Ayad N., Ribeiro M. L., Charif A., Moreira E., Ezzouhaïri H.& Coke C. (2005) Les volcanites d'Agdz (Ait Saoun, anti atlas central) et du haut atlas occidental (Azegour et Adassil) marqueurs de l'extension crustale au passage Precambrien terminal/Cambrien au Maroc. Livro de resumos do «4ème colloque international sur le magmatisme, métamorphisme et minéralisations associées - 3M,. Agadir, p. 111.

Alados-Arboledas, L., H. Lyamani, A.M. Silva, A.M. Díaz, A. Alcántara Ruiz, F.J. Olmo, F. Wagner and O.E. García, 2005. "Study of the atmospheric aerosol during the strong Saharan dust event of 2004", Proceedings of J. Aerosol Conference, ISBN 9080915939, pp 012, European Aerosol Conference, Ghent, 28-02/09/2005, Belgium.

de Azevedo, M. G.; LUCIO, P. S.; Molion, L. C.; Ramos, A. M., 2005: Rainfall Climatology and Phenomenology over Angola - Stochastic Approach for Meteorological Properties of Convective Systems. 5th European Meteorological Society Congress (EMS) and 7th European Conference on Applied Climatology (ECAM). Annual Meeting Abstracts, CDROM ISSN: 1812-7053 - Utrecht - Netherlands.

Barai, E., LUCIO, P. S., Molion, L. C. B., Conde, F. C.: Towards the Role of Subtropical Highs' Intensity and Frequency over the Sahel Region - Diagnostic of Cyclic Events. 5th European Meteorological Society Congress - EMS Annual Meeting Abstracts, CDROM ISSN: 1812-7053 - Utrecht - Netherlands.

Bezzeghoud M., J. F. Borges and B. Caldeira, 2005. Rupture process of the recent large Sumatra earthquakes: 26/12/2004 (Mw=9.3) and 28/03/2005 (Mw=8.6). Workshop on fracture dynamics: Theory and applications to earthquakes. In honour of Prof. A. Udias. Universidad Complutense de Madrid (UCM). 26-28 September, 2005, Spain, 33-34.

Berry, D.; C.M. Harris, 'Congenital Nystagmus as Non-Linear Adaptive Oscillations', 2005, 13th European Conference on Eye Movements.

Borges, J. F., B. Caldeira and M. Bezzeghoud, 2005. The magnitude 9.0 Sumatra (Indonesia) mega-earthquake of 26 December 2004. Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 7, 09552, 2005, SRef-ID: 1607-7962/gra/EGU05-A-09552, European Geosciences Union 2005.

Buforn E., M. Bezzeghoud, C. del Fresno, J. F. Borges, R. Madariaga, 2005. Study of the fracture process of ALHOCEIMA earthquake (24/02/2004, Mw=6.2) from regional and teleseismic data. Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 7, 05301, 2005, SRef-ID: 1607-7962/gra/EGU05-A-05301, European Geosciences Union 2005.

Chambel, A. (2005) - Groundwater in Semi-arid Mediterranean Areas: Desertification, Soil Salinization and Ecosystems. Abstract. In: NATO ARW - Advanced Research Workshop: Groundwater and Ecosystems, Çanakkale, Turquia, pp. 6.

Conde, F. C.; Ramos, A. M.; Corte-Real, J.M, 2005. Application of Artificial Neural Network in the Behaviour of Precipitation in Continental Portugal. 5th Annual Meeting of the European Meteorological Society (EMS) and 7th European Conference on Applied Climatology (ECAM). Hydrometeorology, V. 2. EMS05-A-00412.

Correia, A. and Ramalho, E.C., Updated surface heat flow density map in mainland Portugal. Proceedings of the World Geothermal Congress 2005, Antalya, Turquia, 24-29 de Abril, 2005. ISBN 975-98332-0-4.

Elias, T.; A. M. Silva, H. Lyamani, and L. Alados-Arboledas, 2005. "Aerosol turbidity in the Southern Iberian Peninsula during the European 2003 summer heat wave", Proceedings of J. Aerosol Conference, ISBN 9080915939, pp 173, European Aerosol Conference, Ghent, 28-02/09/2005, Belgium.

Ezzouhairi H., Ribeiro M.L., Aït Ayad N., Charif A., Moreira M.E., de Oliveira D. & Coke C. (2005) L'effet des variations brusques de la viscosité sur la coordination de Al2O3 et le fractionnement des alcalins dans les liquides originaires des pillow lavas du Cambrien inferieur de Wirgane (haut atlas, Maroc). Livro de resumos do «4ème colloque international sur le magmatisme, métamorphisme et minéralisations associées - 3M,. Agadir, pp. 105-106.

Ezzouhairi H., Ribeiro M.L., Charif A., Ramos F., Aït Ayad N., Moreira M.E. & Coke C. (2005) Le magmatisme Cambrien inferieur de Jbel Boho - Bou Azzer : quelques aspects petrographique et geochimique (anti atlas central, Maroc) Livro de resumos do «4ème colloque international sur le magmatisme, métamorphisme et minéralisations associées - 3M,. Agadir, pp. 103-104.

Fernandes, A. S.; A. W. Gandu, A. M. Ramos, A. L. F. Souza, 2005. Influence of Sea Surface Temperature in Climate Numerical Simulations over Brazilian Northeast. 5th Annual Meeting of the European Meteorological Society (EMS) and 7th European Conference on Applied Climatology (ECAM). Climatology in seasonal forecasting (jointly with AM2.6), Vol. 2. EMS05-A-00407.

Gil, R.; D. Luz, D.Berry, M. Roos-Serote, 'A Cloud Tracking Tool for Planetary Orbiter Images', 2005, Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society: 37th DPS Meeting, Vol. 37, No. 3, p. 651.

Harris, C.M.; D.L. Berry, 'A Developmental Model of Congenital Nystagmus', 2005, X Meeting of the Child Vision Research Society, Bled, Slovenia, 2005.

Lopes, L. & Silva, J. B. (2005) - Controle estrutural e constrangimentos geológicos na exploração de mármores no anticlinal de Estremoz - Alentejo - Portugal; ICIRO - I Congresso de Rochas Ornamentais do Brasil; Organização CENTRO DE TECNOLOGIA MINERAL - CETEM/MCT & CENTRO TECNOLÓGICO DO MÁRMORE E GRANITO - CETEMAG, 20 - 23 de Fevereiro de 2005, Guarapari, Brasil; Edição em CD-ROM.

Lucio, P. S.; F. C. Conde and A. M. Ramos, 2005. Stochastic Contrasts for Rainfall Variability over Continental Portugal. Persistent Oscillation Weather Patterns. 5th Annual Meeting of the European Meteorological Society (EMS) and 7th European Conference on Applied Climatology (ECAM). Weather Types Classification. V. 2. EMS05-A-00358.

Lucio, P. S.; F. C. Conde and A. M. Ramos, 2005. Selecting the Best Spatial Distribution to Optimise Local Meteorological Network Design. 5th Annual Meeting of the European Meteorological Society (EMS) and 7th European Conference on Applied Climatology (ECAM). Measurements and measurement networks. V. 2. EMS05-A-00359.

Lucio, P. S.; D. Mendes, M. D. Mendes, A. M. Ramos, F. C. Conde, 2005. Persistent Oscillation Patterns (ENSO, PDO and NAO) Events in Connection with Rainfall Variability over Brazilian Amazon. 5th Annual Meeting of the European Meteorological Society (EMS) and 7th European Conference on Applied Climatology (ECAM). Hydrometeorology. V. 2. EMS05-A-00356.

Lucio, P. S.; D. Mendes, M. D. Mendes, A. M. Ramos, F. C. Conde, 2005. Rainfall Reconstruction and Homogenisation over the Brazilian Amazon. 5th Annual Meeting of the European Meteorological Society (EMS) and 7th European Conference on Applied Climatology (ECAM). Hydrometeorology. V. 2. EMS05-A-00356. 

Lucio, P. S.; Conde, F. C. 2005: New-wave for Reliable Weather Generator: STOCK-WEATHER Software. Target Study Area: Continental Portugal. In: EGU General Assembly 2005, Vienna - Austria. Geophysical Research Abstracts, 7: Abstract Book/CD. ISSN: 1029-7006.

Lucio, P. S., 2005: Changes in occurrences of meteorological extreme events over Continental Portugal. 5th European Meteorological Society Congress - EMS Annual Meeting Abstracts, CDROM ISSN: 1812-7053 - Utrecht - Netherlands.

Lucio, P. S.; 2005: Can Solar Activities Influence Extreme Weather over Continental Portugal? Stochastic Contrasts of Temperature and Precipitation with Sunspots and Cosmic Ray Intensity. In: EGU General Assembly 2005, Vienna - Austria. Geophysical Research Abstracts, 7: Abstract Book/CD. ISSN: 1029-7006.

Lyamani, H., Silva, A.M. , Alados-Arboledas, L., Alcántara Ruiz, A., Olmo, F.J. , Elias, T., 2005. "Aerosol columnar properties in the Iberian Peninsula during the 2003 Heat Wave". Proceedings of J. Aerosol Conference, ISBN 9080915939, pp 408, European Aerosol Conference, Ghent, 28-02/09/2005, Belgium.

Madureira, P.; Moreira, M.; Mata, J., 2005. The Azores hotspot: a lower mantle origin for Terceira magmas as shown by Ne isotopic data. Goldschmidt conference, Moscow, U.S.A.. Abstract conference supplement to Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, p. A106.

Menezes, I. C.; Azevedo, M. G.; Ramos, A. M., 2005. Extremes Analysis Associated with Intertropical Convergence Zone over Angola: A case study. 5th Annual Meeting of the European Meteorological Society (EMS) and 7th European Conference on Applied Climatology (ECAM). Weather analysis and forecasting in different scales, V. 2. EMS05-A-00360.

Moreira, M. & Madureira P., 2005. Cosmogenic helium and neon extracted by crushing: A technique for discriminating between mantle and cosmogenic helium. Goldschmidt conference, Moscow, U.S.A.. Abstract conference supplement to Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, p. A160.

Ramos, A. M.; F. C. Conde, J. Corte-Real, 2005. Numeric Simulation of the Planetary Boundary Layer around a Power Plant over Portugal. Geophysical Research Abstracts. Basic studies of the atmospheric and oceanic boundary layer. Vol. 7, EGU05-A-10214.

Ramos, A. M.; Freitas, S.; Longo, K; Conde, F. C., Corte-Real, J. C., Fazenda, A. L.; Rodrigues, L. F.; Recuero, F. S.; Moreira, D. S., 2005. The Use of High Resolution Numerical Simulations to Study The Transport of Biomass Burning Pollution over Europe in August 2003. Geophysical Research Abstracts. EMS Annual Meeting Abstracts. Vol. 2, EMS05-A-0037.

Rodrigues, J., Coke, C., Dias, R., Pereira, E. and Ribeiro, A. 2005.   Transition from autochthonous to parautochthonous deformation regimes in Murça-Marão sector (Central-Iberian Zone, northern Portugal). In: (eds.) Carosi, R., Dias, R., Iacopini, D., and Rosenbaum, G., The southern Variscan belt, Journal of the Virtual Explorer, Electronic Edition, ISSN 1441-8142, Volume 19, Paper 8.

Safanda, J.; A. Correia, D. Rajver and P. Dedecek, 2005, Recent subsurface temperature changes in Czech Republic, Portugal and Slovenia and their coupling to air temperatures. (Sessão CL19 "Subsurface temperature signals of paleoclimate, fluid flow, and land-use changes", General Assembly of the European Geosciences Union, Vienna, Abril. Geophysical Research Abstracts, Volume 7, 2005. ISSN: 1029-7006

Safanda, J.; A. Correia, D. Rajver, and P. Dedecek, Air, soil and bedrock temperature monitoring at "borehole climate" stations in Portugal, Slovenia and the Czech Republic. IASPEI meeting, Santiago, Chile, 2-8 de Outubro, 2005. (CD-ROM sem ISBN)

Santos, D.; M.J. Costa, A.M. Silva and S. Pereira, 2005. "Aerosol radiative forcing over the south of Portugal: a combination of surface and satellite measurements", Proceedings of J. Aerosol Conference, ISBN 9080915939, pp 409, European Aerosol Conference, Ghent, 28-02/09/2005, Belgium.

Serrano, A. I., LUCIO, P. S., Silva, A. M., Leite, S. M.: Recovering and Homogenising Meteorological Time Series - The Stochastic Artificial Neural Network Approach (solicited). 5th European Meteorological Society Congress - EMS Annual Meeting Abstracts, CDROM ISSN: 1812-7053 - Utrecht - Netherlands.

Serrano, C., Reis, A. H., Rosa, R., LUCIO, P. S.: Local Meteorology Influences upon the Atmospheric Electric Field in Lisbon in the Period 1970-91. 5th European Meteorological Society Congress - EMS Annual Meeting Abstracts, CDROM ISSN: 1812-7053 - Utrecht - Netherlands.

Silva, P. F.; F.O. Marques, B. Henry, A. Mateus, P. Madureira, N. Lourenço e J.M. Miranda (2005). AMS and Paleomagnetic variations along sections cross-cutting Foum Zguid dykes and sedimentary host rocks: implications for the flow and propagation of magma. IAGA, Toulose, France, July.

Silva, P. F., B. Henry, F.O. Marques, A. Mateus, P. Madureira, N. Lourenço e J.M. Miranda (2005). Variation of AMS and of bulk magnetic properties in sedimentary host-rocks as a function of the degree of contact metamorphism: case study of the Foum Zguid dyke (Morocco). IAGA, Toulose, France, July.

Silva, P. F., B. Henry, F.O. Marques, P. Madureira, A. Mateus, N. Lourenço, J.M. Miranda (2005). AMS study of Messejana (Iberian Peninsula) and Foum Zguid (Southern Morocco) Dykes. 4.º Simpósio de Meteorologia e Geofísica da Associação Portuguesa de Meteorologia e Geofísica, Sesimbra, 14 a 17 de Fevereiro.

Wagner, F., A.M. Silva and D. Bortoli (2005): Long-Range Transported Desert Aerosol Particles from Africa to Portugal, IAMAS Conference, Beijing, China.

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