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Comunicações (Publicações) em 2004 Versão para impressão

Alados-Arboledas, L.; H.Horvath, F.J.Olmo, A. Alcantara, M.Gangl, H.Lyamani,J.Lorente, J.A.Martínez-Lozano, V.Cachorro, A.Labajo, B.DelaMorena, J.P.Díaz, M.Pujadas, A.M.Silva,G.Pavesse, 2004. "Atmospheric Aerosol Changes in the Vertical followed by sunphotometers and Telephotometers during VELETA 2002", J.Aerosol Science, Hungary, 35 Vol I, S503-S504.

L.Alados-Arboledas,F.J.Olmo, A. Alcantara, H.Lyamani, J.Lorente, J.A.Martínez-Lozano, V.Cachorro, A.Labajo, B.DelaMorena, J.P.Díaz, M.Pujadas, H. Horvath., A.M.Silva, G.Pavesse, 2004. "Evaluation of Aerosol Columnar Properties at the main Station of Armilla during VELETA 2002 Field Campaign", J.Aerosol Science, Hungary, 35 Vol I, S377-S378.

Araújo, A. (2004). Tectónica alpina na região de Juromenha (Nordeste Alentejano). Comunicações do INETI, tomo 91, pp 17-36.

Aydin M., G. Balik, A. H. Reis, A. F. Miguel "Convective and Diffusive Flows in a Rhythmically expanding Alveolus" In: "Applications of Porous Media", edited by CGE, Portugal, pp. 491-496.

Aydin M., G. Balik, A. F. Miguel and A. H. Reis, 2004. "Some Features of Flow and Particle Transport in Porous Structures", ITSS II, Bled, Slovenia, 863-868.

Aydin M., A. H. Reis, A. F. Miguel, A. M. Silva, 2004. "Particle transport in a two-zone enclosure" Proceedings of International Conference on Air Distribution in Rooms (ROOMVENT 2004) Coimbra, Portugal, (paper with 6 pages) 2004 [in CD-Rom].

Aydin, M.; A. H. Reis, A. F. Miguel, 2004, "A semi-analytical approach for particle distribution in a two-zone enclosure" Proc.CMES-, Capadoccia, Turquia, Vol. 2, 455-461.

Bezzeghoud M., B. Caldeira, J.F. Borges, H. Beldjoudi, E. Buforn, S. Maouche, F. Ousadou, A. Kherroubi, A. Harbi and A. Ayadi, 2004. The Zemmouri-Boumerdes Earthquake of May 21st, 2003, Mw=6.8: Source Parameters and Rupture Propagation Study from Teleseismic Data. XXIX General Assembly of the European Seismological Commission (ESC), pp. 6-7, 13-17 September, Potsdam, Germany

Bortoli D., F. Ravegnani, G. Giovanelli, A. Petritoli, I. Kostadinov, Stratospheric Nitrogen Dioxide In Antarctic Region, Proc. XX Ozone symposium, Vol. II.,940-941, Christos S. Zerefos, eds 2004.

Bortoli, D., G. Giovanelli, F. Ravegnani, F. Calzolari, M. J. Costa, A.M. Silva, S. Beirle, T. Wagner, M. Wenig and U. Platt, Stratospheric Nitrogen Dioxide Over Terra Nova Bay Station From Ground Based And Satellite Observation, SIF Conf. Proc., 89, 153-168, 2004.

Bugalho, M.L.Silva, A.M.,Elias, T.,Alados, L., Lrente,J. Cachorro, V., Horvath, H., Martínez-lozano,J.A., Morena, B., 2004. "Aerosol Radiative Forcing Estimate at the Top of the Atmosphere during VELETA 2002 campaign, at Armilla, Spain. J. Aerosol Science, Hungary, 35 Vol II, S991-S992.

Carraça, M.G.D., and Collier, C.G., 2004. "Modelling the Impact of Urban Areas on Precipitation Initiation". In: Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Clouds and Precipitation, Bologna, Italy, 18-23 July 2004, 1781-1784. Italy: International Commission on Clouds and Precipitation (IAMAS).

Cattani, E., M. J. Costa, V. Levizzani, and A. M. Silva: Satellite observation and radiative modeling of the influence of aerosol particles from biomass burning on cloud microphysical properties. Proc. 14th Int. Conf. on Clouds and Precipitation, Bologna, 32-34, 18-23 July, 2004.

Costa, M. J., E. Cattani, V. Levizzani, and A. M. Silva: Cloud properties derived from SEVIRI and MODIS: A comparison study. Proc. 2004 EUMETSAT Meteorological Satellite Conf., 145-151,Prague, 31 May - 4 June, (2004).

Costa, M. J.; E. Cattani, A. M. Silva and V. Levizzani, 2004. "Satellite derived cloud properties relevant for cloud radiative forcing: a case study of interaction between clouds and dust aerosol particles", Proc. 14th Int. Conf. on Clouds and Precipitation, 47-50, Bologna, 18-23 July.

Deus, R; Lucio, P. S., (2004). "Stochastic procedure for urban heat island diagnostic. Case study: Lisbon - Portugal". European Meteorological Society Congress - EMS 2004 CDROM Vol. 1 - Nice - France.

Elias, T.; Ana Maria Silva, 2004. "Correction of the ground-based measurements of radiance by the surface contribution for a better estimate of the aerosol radiative forcing", Proc of SPIE Remote Sensing of Clouds and the Atmosphere VIII, Vol 5235, pp 149-159 (2004).

Elias, T.; Brian Cairns and Jacek Chowdhary, 2004. "Surface optical properties measured by the airborne research scanning polarimeter during CLAMS experiment", Proc of SPIE Remote Sensing of Clouds and the Atmosphere VIII, Vol 5235, pp 595-606.

Figueiredo, M.O., Pereira da Silva, T., Mirão, J., Mendes, M.H.: An X-ray absorption spectroscopy study at sulfur K-edge of haüne from Saint Antão Island (Cape Verde) E C M S 2004 - 5th European Conference on Mineralogy & Spectroscopy - Vienna, September 4-8, 2004

Figueiredo M.O., Mirão, J.P. Soft X-ray absorption at the O K-edge in rutile-type natural oxides 4th conference on synchrotron radiation in materials science" - Grenoble, August 23-25, 2004

Giovanelli G., G. Lenzi, A. Petritoli, F. Ravegnani, M. Cervino, D. Bortoli, I. Kostadinov and G. Trivellone, 2004. Study Of Vertical And Temporal Variability Of Ozone Over Italy, By Means Of Ozone-Sounding Activity At The S. Pietro Capofiume Station, Proc. XX Ozone symposium, Vol. II, 339-340, Christos S. Zerefos.

Giovanelli G., A. Petritoli, E. Castelli, D. Bortoli, I. Kostadinov, F. Ravegnani, G. Redaelli, C. M. Volk, U. Cortesi, G. Bianchini, B. Carli, 2004. Stratospheric Minor Gas Distribution Over The Antarctic Peninsula During The APE-GAIA Campaign, Proc. XX Ozone symposium, Vol. II., 960-961, Christos S. Zerefos.

Kostadinov I., D. Bortoli, P. Cristofanelli, G. Giovanelli, A. Petritoli, F. Ravegnani, R. Werner, A. Atanasov, D. Valev, T. Markova, 2004. Ground-Based Monitoring Of Stratospheric O3 And NO2 And Their Response To STE Events, Proc. XX Ozone symposium, Vol. II., 984-985, Christos S. Zerefos.

Levizzani, V., C. Adamo, P. P. Alberoni, A. Antonini, A. Battaglia, P. Bauer, A. Buzzi, D. Capacci, C. Caracciolo, E. Cattani, M. Celano, D. Cimini, M. J. Costa, S. Davolio, S. Dietrich, M. Fantini, D. E. Hinsman, S. di Michele, G. Giuliani, M. Kästner, A. Khain, C. Kidd, J. Kidd, D. Kniveton, R. Lahav, R. Layberry, I. Lensky, P. Malguzzi, S. Mantovani, F. S. Marzano, A. Maurizi, C. M. Medaglia, S. Melani, F. Meneguzzo, G. Messeri, A. Mugnai, S. Natali, A. Orlandi, A. Ortolani, G. Panegrossi, M. Pasqui, S. Pinori, V. Poli, F. Porcù, F. Prodi, J. F. W. Purdom, D. Rosenfeld, V. Sanderson, J. Schmetz, E. A. Smith, R. Solomon, J. Steinwagner, F. Tampieri, F. J. Tapiador, A.

Lucio, P. S.; Deus, R., 2004. "Two stochastic approaches for local scale meteorological time series reconstruction". European Meteorological Society Congress - EMS 2004 CDROM Vol. 1 - Nice -France.

Lucio, P. S.; Serrano, A. I.; Silva, A. M., 2004. "Space-time climatological time series reconstruction. Case study: Continental Portugal". European Meteorological Society Congress - EMS 2004 CDROM Vol. 1 - Nice - France.

Lucio, P. S.; 2004. "Geostatistical Assessment of HadCM3 Simulations via NCEP Reanalyses over Europe". In: EGU General Assembly, Nice - France. Geophysical Research Abstracts, 6: Abstract Book/CD. ISSN: 1029-7006.

Lucio, P. S., 2004. Spatial Assessment of HadCM3 Simulations via NCEP Reanalyses over Europe. In: Climate Variability Project (CLIVAR 2004), Session 8: CLIVAR Future Challenges. Baltimore - USA. Abstracts, 101 (available at

Miguel, A. F.; A. H. Reis, M. Aydin, 2004. "Dynamic Loading of Porous Filters with Fine Particles", In: Proc. Int. Conf. On Applications of Porous Media, pp. 389-396,Évora, Portugal.

Miguel, A. F.; A.H.Reis, M.Aydin and A.M.Silva, 2004. "Particle Deposition in Airway Bifurcations in Different Breathing Conditions", Journal of Aerosol Science, Hungary 35, Vol II, S1125-S1126.

Molero, F.; M. Pujadas, J.M. Fernandez, M.P. Utrillas, J.A. Martínez- Lozano, R. Pedrós, L. Alados- Arboledas, J. Lorente, V. Cachorro, A.M. Díaz Rodriguez, A. Laba , B. De la Morena, J.A. Rodrigues, A.M. Silva, H. Horvath, 2004. “Aerosol optical depth derived from lidar measurements during VELETA-2002 campaign” Proc of SPIE Remote Sensing of Clouds and the Atmosphere VIII Vol 5235, pp 477-485.

Palazzi, E.; M. Premuda, A. Petritoli, G. Giovanelli, I. Kostadinov, F. Ravegnani and D. Bortoli, 2004. "A multiple scattering atmospheric radiative transfer model for diffuse solar radiation measurements along slant polar trajectories", SIF Conf. Proc., 89, 41-58.

Petritoli A., G. Giovanelli, P. Bonasoni, I. Kostadinov, F. Ravegnani, D. Bortoli, R. Werner, Study Of The Stratospheric NO2 Trend At Mt. Cimone (44°N, 11°E), Italy: Evidence Of The Nao Influence On The Trace Gas Amount, Proc. XX Ozone symposium, Vol. II, 1015-1016, Christos S. Zerefos, eds 2004.

Reis, A. H.; A. F. Miguel, M. Aydin, 2004. ITSS II, Bled, Slovenia. "Analysis of loop heat pipe performance under varying wick load", 705-710.

Reis, A. H.; A. F. Miguel, 2004. "Analysis of Filter Performance as function of Particle Diameter, Filter Internal Surface and Filter Pore Size Distribution", M. Aydin. In: "Applications of Porous Media", edited by CGE, Portugal, pp. 397-400.

Reis, A. H.; A. F. Miguel, M. Aydin,2004. "Constructal Design of a Porous Structure for Gás Transport from one Opening to a Surface", In: Proc. Int. Conf. On Applications of Porous Media, pp. 435-441, Évora, Portugal

Serrano, C.; Reis, A. H.; LUCIO, P. S.; Rosa, R., (2004). "Influence of cosmic radiation, artificial radioactivity and aerosol concentration upon the atmospheric electric field in Lisbon in the period 1955-91". European Meteorological Society Congress - EMS 2004 CDROM Vol. 1 - Nice – France.

Tassa, F. Torricella, G. J. Tripoli, F. J. Turk, G. A. Vicente, and M. G. Villani, 2004: Precipitation estimation: from the RAO to EURAINSAT and beyond. Proc. 2nd MSG-RAO Meeting, Salzburg, 9-10 Sept., ESA-SP-582, 113-118.

Wagner, F.; A. M.Silva and Koepke. J. P., 2004. "Review and Application of the Aerosol DataBase OPAC", Aerosol Science, Hungary, 35 Vol I, S443-S444.

Werner, R.; D.Valev, At.Atanasov, T.Markova, I. Kostadinov, G.Giovanelli, A.Petritoli, D.Bortoli , F.Ravegnani, 2004. No2 Column Amount And Total Ozone At Stara Zagora (42°N, 25°E) And Their, Response To The 27day Solar Activity Cycle, Proc. XX Ozone symposium, Vol. II, 1049-1050, Christos S. Zerefos.

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