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Comunicações (Publicações) em 2003 Versão para impressão

Aydin, M.; A. F. Miguel, A. D. Aydin and A. H. Reis, 2003. "Numerical Simulation of Flow in T Channel by Boundary Element Method", Proc. of 1st Int. Exergy, Energy and Environment Symposium, Izmir, Turkey, pp. 119-122.

Bejan, A.; A. H. Reis, 2003. “Thermodynamic Optimization of Global Circulation and Climate”, Proc. of 1st Int. Exergy, Energy and Environment Symposium, Izmir, Turkey, pp. 1-8.

Bortoli, D., M.J. Costa, G. Giovanelli, A.M. Silva VERTICAL COLUMN OF ATMOSPHERIC COMPOUNDS FROM GOME DATA ANALYSIS, Proc. EUMETSAT-"The 2002 EUMETSAT Meteorological Satellite Conference", 669-676, 2003.

Bortoli, D.; Giorgio Giovanelli, Fabrizio Ravegnani, Ivan Kostadinov, Andrea Petrioli, Francescopiero Calzolari, Maria João Costa and Ana Maria Silva, 2003. “Stratospheric Nitrogen Dioxide in Antartic Regions from Ground Based and Satellite Observation During 2001”. Proc of SPIE Vol 4882, pp 304-313.

Carraça, M.G.D., Collier, C.G., and Silva, A.M., 2003. "Modelling surface sensible heat flux in an urban area". In: Proceedings of the Royal Meteorological Society Conference 2003, University of East Anglia, Norwich, UK, 1 - 5 September 2003. U.K.: Royal Meteorological Society (RMS).

Carraça, M.G.D., and Collier, C.G., 2003. "Urban effects on precipitation: Modelling surface sensible heat flux in an urban area". Presentation in the 13th British Hydrological Society (BHS) Postgraduate Symposium, University of Leeds, Leeds, UK, 14-15 May 2003.

Costa, M. J.*, E. Cattani, F. Torricella, A. M. Silva, and V. Levizzani, 2003: Cloud microphysical properties retrieval in the presence of strong aerosol events. /Proc. 2003 EUMETSAT Meteorological Satellite Data Users Conf./, Weimar, Germany, 29 Sept.-3 Oct., 678-685.

Cattani, E., M. J. Costa, F. Torricella, V. Levizzani, and A. M. Silva, 2003: Comparisons of cloud microphysical properties retrieved from different algorithms. /Proc. 2003 EUMETSAT Meteorological Satellite Data Users Conf./, Weimar, Germany, 29 Sept.-3 Oct., 671-677.

Elias, T., B. Cairns and J. Chowdhary, 2003. "Surface optical properties measured by the airborne research scanning polarimeter during the CLAMS experiment", VIII, SPIE Proceedings on International Symposium on Remote Sensing, Vol 5235-79, pp 595-606.

Elias, T.; A. M. Silva, 2003. “Correction of the ground-based measurements of radiance by the surface contribution for a better estimate of the aerosol radiative forcing.”, VIII, SPIE Proceedings on International Symposium on Remote Sensing, Vol 5235-24, pp 149-159

Miguel, A. F.; A. Heitor Reis, 2003. "Aerosol Particle Deposition in a Ventilation Duct Flow", Proc. of 1st Int. Exergy, Energy and Environment Symposium, Izmir, Turkey, pp. 957-961, 13-7 July 2003.

Reis, A. H.; Paulo Canhoto, António Miguel and Rui Rosa, 2003. Non-Flow Exergy Potential of the Near-Ground Atmosphere with respect to soil in the Évora Region (Portugal). in: Proceedings of the First International Exergy, Energy and Environment Symposium, pp. 245-249.

Rocha, F. T.; Moço, L. P. Fernandes, J. P.; Flores, D.; Chaminé, H. I. Fonseca, P. E.; Gama Pereira, L. C.; Pinto de Jesus, A.; Gomes, C.; Soares de Andrade, A.; & Araújo, A. (2003). Palaeozoic Out-of-‑­

Rosa, Rui (2003): "Carbon Management and Low Carbon Emission Strategies", Proc. of 1st Int. Exergy, Energy and Environment Symposium, Izmir, Turkey.

Sequence Black Metapelitic Rocks Along Major Shear Zones (Ossa-Morena Zone, W. Portugal): Clay Mineralogy, Organic Petrology, Palynology and Tectonostratigraphy. In: Abstracts, EUROCLAY2003, 10th Conference of the European Clay Groups Association, Modena, Italy, pp. 241-242

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