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Artigos (revistas internacionais) em 2011 Versão para impressão


1. Anton, M., D. Bortoli, P.S. Kulkarni, M.J. Costa, A.F. Domingues, D. Loyola, A.M. Silva,  L. Alados-Arboledas, (2011), ‘Long-term trends of total ozone column over the Iberian  Peninsula for the period 1979-2008’, Atmospheric Environment, xxx, pp 1-8, doi:10.1016/j.atmosenv.2011.08.058. (I.F.= 3.226, Times Cited: 0)

2. Antón, M., D. Bortoli, M.J. Costa, Pavan S. Kulkarni, A.F. Domingues, D. Barriopedro, A.  Serrano and A.M. Silva, (2011), “Temporal and spatial variability of Total Ozone Column over  Portugal”, Remote Sensing of Environment, 115(3), pp 855-863, doi:10.1016/j.rse.2010.11.013.  (I.F.= 3.954, Times Cited: 1)

3. Antón, M., and D. Loyola (2011), Influence of cloud properties on satellite total ozone  observations, J. Geophys. Res., 116, D03208, doi: 10.1029/2010JD014780. (I.F.= 3.303, Times  Cited: 1)

4. Antón, M., A. Serrano., M.L. Cancilllo, and J.M. Vilaplana (2011), Quality assurance of  broadband erythemal radiometers at the Extremadura UV Monitoring Network (Southwestern  Spain), Atmos. Res., 100, 83-92, doi:10.1016/j.atmosres.2010.12.029. (I.F.= 1.597, Times Cited:3)

5. Antón, M., A. Serrano., M.L. Cancilllo, J.A. García and S. Madronich (2011), Empirical  Evaluation of a Simple Analytical Formula for the Ultraviolet Index, Photochem. Photobiol., 87,  478–482, doi: 10.1111 ⁄ j.1751-1097.2010.00860.x. (I.F.= 2.679, Times Cited: 2)

6. Antón, M., J.E. Gil, A. Cazorla, J. Fernández-Gálvez, J. M. Vilaplana, F. J. Olmo, and L. Alados- Arboledas (2011) Influence of the calibration on experimental UV index at a midlatitude site, Granada (Spain), Atmos. Meas. Tech., 4, 499–507, doi:10.5194/amt-4-499-2011. (I.F.= 2.623, Times Cited: 3)

7. Antón, M., D. Loyola, C. Clerbaux, M. López, J.M. Vilaplana, M. Bañón, J. Hadji-Lazaro, P. Valks, N. Hao, W. Zimmer, P.F. Coheur, D. Hurtmans, L. Alados-Arboledas (2011), Validation of the MetOp-A total ozone data from GOME-2 and IASI using reference ground-based measurements at the Iberian Peninsula, Remote Sensing of Environment, 115, 1380–1386, doi:10.1016/j.rse.2011.01.018. (I.F.= 3.954, Times Cited: 3)

8. Antón, M., J.E. Gil, A. Cazorla, J. Fernández-Gálvez, I. Foyo-Moreno, F.J. Olmo, L. Alados- Arboledas (2011), Short-term variability of experimental ultraviolet and total solar irradiance in Southeastern Spain, Atmos. Environ., 45, 4815-4821, doi:10.1016/j.atmosenv.2011.06.020. (I.F.= 3.226, Times Cited: 0)

9. Antón, M., A. Serrano., M.L. Cancilllo, J.A. García and S. Madronich (2011), Application of an analytical formula for UV Index reconstructions for two locations in Southwestern Spain, Tellus, 63B, 1052–1058, doi: 10.1111/j.1600-0889.2011.00541.x. (I.F.= 3.336, Times Cited: 0)

10. Antón, M., J. E. Gil, J. Fernández-Gálvez, H. Lyamani, A. Valenzuela, I. Foyo-Moreno, F. J. Olmo, and L. Alados-Arboledas (2011), Evaluation of the aerosol forcing efficiency in the UV erythemal range at Granada, Spain, J. Geophys. Res., 116, D20214, doi:10.1029/2011JD016112. (I.F.= 3.303, Times Cited: 0).

11. Antón, M, M. Kroon, M. López, J. M. Vilaplana, M. Bañón, R. van der A, J. P. Veefkind, P. Stammes, and L. Alados-Arboledas (2011) Total ozone column derived from GOME and  SCIAMACHY using KNMI retrieval algorithms: Validation against Brewer measurements at the Iberian Peninsula, J. Geophys. Res., 116, D22303, doi:10.1029/2011JD016436. (I.F.= 3.303, Times Cited: 0).

12. Balsamo, G., R. Salgado, E. Dutra, S. Boussetta, T. Stockdale, M. Potes, 2011: On the contribution of lakes in predicting near-surface temperature in a global weather forecasting model, TELLUS-A, accepted on 7 December 2011, also available as ECMWF Tech. memo 648. (I.F.= 2.062, Times Cited: 0).

13. Ghude, S. D., S. H. Kulkarni, Pavan S. Kulkarni, V. P. Kanawade, S. Fadnavis, S. Pokhrel, C. Jena, G. Beig and D. Bortoli, (2011), “Anomalous low tropospheric column ozone over Eastern India during 2002 severe drought event: A case study”, Environ. Sci. and Pol. Res., 18, pp. 1-14, DOI 10.1007/s11356-011-0506-4. (I.F.= 2.870, Times Cited: 0).

14. Ghude, S. D., G. Beig, Pavan S. Kulkarni, V. P. Kanawade, S. Fadnavis and J. J. Remedios (2011), “Regional CO pollution over the Indian-subcontinent and various transport pathways as observed by MOPITT”, International Journal of Remote Sensing, iFirst, 1-16, DOI:10.1080/ 01431161.2010.507796. (I.F.= 1.188, Times Cited: 0)

15.  Ghude, S. D., Pavan S. Kulkarni, S. H. Kulkarni, S. Fadnavis and R. J. Van Der A (2011), “Temporal variation of urban NOx concentration in India during past decade as observed from the space”, International Journal of Remote Sensing, 32(03), pp. 849 – 861, DOI: 10.1080/ 01431161.2010.517797. (I.F.= 1.188, Times Cited: 1).

16. Kostadinov, I., A.Petritoli, G.Giovanelli, M. Premuda, D.Bortoli, S.Masieri, F.Ravegnani, Stratospheric NO2 trends over the high mountain “Ottavio Vittori” station, Italy, International Journal of Remote Sensing, 32: 3, 767 - 785, 2011 (I.F.: 1.188, Times Cited: 1).

17. Kulkarni, P. S., D. Bortoli, R. Salgado, M. Antón, M.J. Costa, A.M. Silva, (2011), “Reply to Discussion of "Tropospheric ozone variability over the Iberian Peninsula Atmospheric Environment" by Kulkarni et al. (2011)”, Atmospheric Environment, 45, pp. 2600-2602, doi: 10.1016/j.atmosenv.2011.02.046. (I.F.= 3.226, Times Cited: 0).

18. Kulkarni, P. S., D. Bortoli, R. Salgado, M. Antón, M. J. Costa and A. M. Silva, (2011), “Tropospheric ozone variability over the Iberian Peninsula”, Atmospheric Environment, 45, pp. 174-182, doi:10.1016/j.atmosenv.2010.09.029. (I.F.= 3.226, Times Cited: 8)

19. Kulkarni, P. S., Sachin D. Ghude, S.L. Jain, B.C. Arya, P.K. Dubey and Shahnawaz (2011), “Tropospheric ozone variability over the Indian coastline and adjacent land and sea”, International Journal of Remote Sensing, 32(6), pp. 1545–1559, DOI: 10.1080/ 01431160903571825. (I.F.= 1.188, Times Cited: 0).

20. Pereira, S. N., Wagner, F., and Silva, A. M.: Seven years of measurements of aerosol scattering properties, near the surface, in the south-western Iberia Peninsula, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 11, 17- 29, 2011. (I.F.= 5.309, Times Cited: 4).

21. Potes M., Costa M.J., da Silva J.C.B., Silva A.M., Morais M., Remote sensing of water quality parameters over Alqueva reservoir in the south of Portugal (2011) International Journal of Remote Sensing, 32 (12) , pp. 3373-3388. (I.F.= 1.188, Times Cited: 0).

22. Potes, M., M. J. Costa, and R. Salgado, Satellite remote sensing of water turbidity in Alqueva reservoir and implications on lake modeling. Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci. Discuss., 8, 11357-11385, 2011. (I.F.= -, Times Cited: 0).

23. Preißler, J., F. Wagner, S. N. Pereira, and J. L. Guerrero-Rascado (2011), Multi-instrumental observation of an exceptionally strong Saharan dust outbreak over Portugal, J. Geophys. Res., 116, D24204, doi:10.1029/2011JD016527. (I.F.= 3.303, Times Cited: 0).

24. Premuda, M., S. Masieri, D. Bortoli, I. Kostadinov, , A. Petritoli, and G. Giovanelli, Evaluation of vessel emissions in a lagoon area with ground based Multi axis DOAS measurements,  Atmosph Env, 45, 5212-5219, 2011, doi:10.1016/j.atmosenv.2011.05. (I.F.: 3.139, Times Cited: 0).

25. Santos, D., M. J. Costa, A. M. Silva, R. Salgado, A. Domingues, and D. Bortoli (2011) Saharan desert dust radiative effects: a study based on atmospheric modelling,Int. J. Global Warming, 3, 88-102. (I.F.= -, Times Cited: 0).

26. Sicard, M., M. Pujadas, L. Alados-Arboledas, R. Pedrós, J.P. Díaz, C. Córdoba-Jabonero, A. Requena, A. Comerón, F. Rocadenbosch, F. Wagner, J. Rodrigues, and J.M. Moreno (2011): SPALINET: The Spanish and Portuguese aerosol lidar network, Óptica Pura Y Aplicada, 44 (1), 1-5. (I.F.= -, Times Cited: 0).

27. Baptista,P, Cunha, T. R., Matias, A., Gama, C., Bernardes, C., Ferreira, Ó. (2011) New land- based method for surveying sandy shores and extracting DEMs: The INSHORE system. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 181, 1, pp.243-257. (I.F.: 1.436, Times Cited: 0).

28. Baptista, P., Cunha, T., Bernardes, C., Gama, C., Ferreira, Ó., Dias, J.A.,(2011)- A precise and efficient methodology to analyse the shoreline displacement rate. Journal of Coastal Research. 27,2, pp. 223-232. (I.F.: 0.679, Times Cited: 0).

29. Fonseca, R., Canário, T., Morais, M., Barriga, F.J.A.S., 2011 - Phosphorus sequestration in Fe- rich sediments from two Brazilian tropical dam reservoirs. Journal of Applied Geochemistry, 26: 1607-1622 (IF = 2,350; Times cited: 0).

30. Vaz, P. G.; Warren, D. R.; Pinto, P.; Merten, E. C.; Robinson, C. T.; Rego F.C, 2011 - Tree type and forest management effects on structure of stream wood following wildfires. Forest Ecology and Management doi: 10.1016/j.foreco2011.04.026. (IF= 1,992; Times cited: 0).

31. Clausse, M., Meunier, F., Reis, A. H. and Bejan, A. 2011, “Climate change, in the framework of the Constructal Law”, Earth Syst. Dynam. Discuss., 2, 241-270, doi:10.5194/esdd-2-241-2011. (IF: the journal started October 2010, Times Cited: 0).

32. Reis, A. H., 2011. “Design in Nature and the Laws of Physics”, Phys. Life Rev. doi:10.1016/ j.prelev.2011.07.001. (I. F.: 4.875, Times Cited: 1).

33. Canhoto, P. and Reis, A.H. (2011) Optimization of fluid flow and internal geometric structure of volumes cooled by forced convection in an array of parallel tubes. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 54, pp. 4288-4299. (I.F.: 1.898, Times Cited: 0).

34. Canhoto, P. and Reis, A.H. (2011) Optimization of forced convection heat sinks with pumping power requirements. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 54, pp. 1441-1447. (I.F.: 1.898, Times Cited: 1).

35. Rosa, D.R.N. and Rosa, R.N. (2011) Copper depletion in the Iberian Pyrite Belt: another indicator of global scarcity. Appl. Earth Science, 120(1) pp. 39-43 (I.F.: - , Times Cited: 0).

36. Serrenho, A. and Miguel, A. F. (2011) Fluid Flow and Solid/Fluid Suspensions Flow in 3-D Packed Beds of Spheres: The Effect of Periodicity of Fixed Beds. Defect and Diffusion Forum, 312-315 (4), pp. 871-876. (I.F.: 0.483, Times Cited: 0).

37. Serrenho, A., Aydin, M. and Miguel, A. F. (2011) Simulation and characterization of multi- phase flow and particle transport in porous media. Journal of Porous Media, 14, pp. 691-698 (I.F.: 0.707, Times Cited: 0).

38. Miguel, A. F. (2011) The physics principle of the generation of flow configuration. Physics of Life Reviews 8, 243-244 (I.F.: 4.875, Times Cited: 1).

39. Acikgoz, M. B., Akay, B., Miguel, A. F. and Aydin, M. (2011) Airborne pathogens transport in an aircraft cabin. Defect and Diffusion Forum, 312, pp. 865-870 (I.F.: 0.483, Times Cited: 0). 40

 40. - Miguel, A. F. (2012) Non-darcy Porous media flow in no-slip and slip regimes. Journal of Thermal Science (accepted December 2011).

41. Allori, D., Bartoli, G., and Miguel, A. F. (2012) Fluid flow through macro-porous materials: friction coefficient and wind tunnel similitude criteria. Int. J. Fluid Mechanics Research (accepted September 2011).

42.  Miguel, A. F., and Aydin, M. (2012) Ocean exergy and energy conversion systems. International Journal of Exergy (accepted December 2011).

43. Almeida, P., Silveira, A. and Miguel, A. F., (2012) Applicability of the Forchheimer equation for forced-aeration windrow composting: variation of airflow characteristics with humidity and volatile solids. Int. J. Fluid Mechanics Research (accepted November 2011).

44. Novais, M. H., S. Blanco; C. Delgado, M. Morais, L. Hoffmann & L. Ector - Ecological assessment of Portuguese reservoirs based on littoral epilithic diatoms. Hydrobiologia (IF = 1,964; Times cited:0) (accept in November 2011)

45. Adam C., V. Vidal, Reply to comment on 'Mantle flow drives the subsidence of oceanic plates', Science 331, 1011 IF: 31.364

46. Medina H.-F., I. Bensaid, T. Cherkaoui, B. Caldeira, et al., 2011, The 1992 Tafilalt seismic crisis (Anti-Atlas, Morocco), J. of Seismology, DOI: 10.1007/s10950-011-9248-5, IF: 1.274

47. Bezzeghoud M., Borges J. F., Caldeira B., 2011, Ground Motion Simulations of the SW Iberia Margin: Rupture Directivity and Earth Structure Effects. Natural Hazards, DOI 10.1007/s11069- 011-9925-2. IF- 1.398

48. Cabral, J. Moniz, C., Batló, J., Figueiredo, P., Carvalho, et al., 2011. The 1909 Benavente (Portugal) earthquake: search for the source. Natural Hazards. DOI 10.1007/s11069-011-0062-8. IF: 1.398

49. Rabeh, T., Carvalho, et al. 2011, Climate changes associated with high-amplitude Sq geomagnetic variations. Acta Geophysica, 59 (5), 1044-1056. DOI: 10.2478/s11600-011-0029-x. IF: 1.000

50. Carvalho, J. et al., 2011, A Geophysical Study of the Carcavai Fault Zone, Portugal. Pure and App. Geoph., DOI 10.1007/s00024-011-0318-y. IF: 1.091

51. Carvalho, J., et al., 2011, Geophysical study of the Ota- V.F. Xira-Lisboa-Sesimbra fault zone and of the Lower Tagus Cenozoic basin. Journal of Geophysics and Engineering, 8, 395-411. IF: 0.808

52. Carvalho, J. et al., 2011, Ore prospecting in the Iberian Pyrite Belt using seismic and potential- field data. Journal of Geophysics and Engineering 8 (2), 142-153. . IF: 0.805

53. Madureira, P. et al., 2011. Mantle source heterogeneity, magma generation and magmatic evolution at Terceira Island (Azores archipelago): Constraints from elemental and isotopic (Sr, Nd, Hf, and Pb) data, Lithos, 402-418. IF: 3.121

54. Al Tarazi, E., Abu Rajab, J., Gomez, F., Cochran, W., Jaafar, R., Ferry, M., 2011. GPS measurements of near-field deformation along the southern Dead Sea Fault System. Geochem. Geophys. Geosyst. 12, Q12021. IF: 3.368

55. Ferry, M., et al., 2011. Episodic behavior of the Jordan Valley section of the Dead Sea fault from a 14-kyr-long integrated catalogue of large earthquakes. Bull. Seism. Soc. Am. 101, 39-67. IF: 1.86

56. Dias, R., Hadani, M., Leal Machado, et al. 2011. Variscan structural evolution of the western High Atlas and the Haouz plain (Morocco), Journal of African Earth Science, 61, 331-342; doi:10.1016/j.jafrearsci.2011.07.002. IF: 2.063

57. Carneiro, J.F., Boavida, D., Silva, R. (2011) First assessment of sources and sinks for carbon capture and geological storage in Portugal. Int J Greenh Gas Con 5, 538-548. IF: 1.886

58. Silva, A.; Cruz, T.; Paiva, M.; Candeias, A.; Adriano, P. ; Schiavon, N.; Mirão, J. Primary (2011) Mineralogical and chemical characterization of historical mortars from military fortifications in Lisbon harbour (Portugal). Environmental Earth Sciences, 63 (7), 1641-1650, IF: 0.678

59. Schiavon, N; Candeias, A et al., 2011 Combined multi-analytical approach for the study of Roman glass from south-west iberia: synchrotron micro-XRF, external-PIXE/PIGE and BSEM– EDS. Archaeometry (In press), IF: 1.581

60. Font, E., A. Nédélec, B. B. Ellwood, J. Mirão, and P. F. Silva (2011), A new sedimentary benchmark for the Deccan Traps volcanism, Geophys. Res. Lett., 38, L24309, IF: 3.505

61. Gil, M.; Carvalho, M.L.; Longelin, S.; Ribeiro, I.; Valadas, S.; Mirão, J.; Candeias, A.E. 2011 Blue Pigment Colors from Wall Painting Churches in Danger (Portugal 15th to 18th Century): Identification, Diagnosis, and Color Evaluation, Applied Spectroscopy, 65 (7), pp. 782-789(8) IF: 1.729

62. Valadas, S.; Candeias, A.; Mirao, J. et al. 2011 Study of Mural Paintings Using In Situ XRF, Confocal Synchrotron-mu-XRF, mu-XRD, Optical Microscopy, and SEM-EDS-The Case of the Frescoes from Misericordia Church of Odemira, Microscopy and Microanalysis, 17 (5), 702- 709, IF: 3.259

63. Gil, M.; Aguiar, J.; Seruya, A,; Veiga, R.; Carvalho, L.; Vargas, H.; Mirao, J.; Candeias, A. (2011), Colour Assays: An Inside Look into Alentejo Traditional Limewash Paintings and Coloured Lime Mortars. Color Research and Application, 36 (1), 61-71, IF: 0.753

64. Correia, A., Vieira, G. and Ramos, M., 2011. Thermal conductivity and thermal diffusivity of cores from a 26 meter deep borehole drilled in Livingston Island, Maritime Antarctica. Geomorphology (accepted in December). IF: 2.352

65. Rimi, A., Yassine Z., Alae E.B., Correia A:, Carneiro J., Verdoya M., Lucazeau F., 2011. Towards a de-carbonized energy system in North-Eastern Morocco: Prospective Geothermal Resource. Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews (accepted in December). IF: 4.567

66. Fitzenz D. D., A. Jalobeanu, and M.A. Ferry, 2011. A Bayesian Framework to Rank and Combine Candidate Recurrence Models for Specific Faults, BSSA-D-11-00087. IF: 2.027

67. Bezzeghoud M., 2011. Hadj Benhallou 1937-2011, J. of Seismology. DOI:10.1007/s10950-011- 9265-4, IF: 1.274

68. Caldeira B., Silva H.G., J.F. Borges, M. Tlemçani, and M. Bezzeghoud, 2011. Chaotic behavior of seismic mechanisms: experiment and observation (accepted in September, Annals of Geophy.). IF: 0.902

69. Righetti F., P. F. Biagi, T. Maggipinto, L. Schiavulli, T. Ligonzo, A. Ermini, I. A. Moldovan, A. S. Moldovan, A. Buyuksarac, H.G. Silva, M. Bezzeghoud, M. E. Contadakis, D.N. Arabelos, and T.D. Xenos, 2011. Wavelet analysis of the LF radio signals collected by the European VLF/LF network from July 2009 until April 2011, (accepted in September, Annals of Geophy.). IF: 0.902

70. Silva H.G., J.F. Polido, 2011. Transport Processes in Metal-Insulator Granular Layers, Y.G. Pogorelov, , Phys. Rev. B 83, 115429. IF: 3.772

71. Silva, H. G., Bezzeghoud, M. Rocha, J. P. Biagi, P. F., Tlemçani, M., Rosa, R. N., Salgueiro da Silva, M. A., Borges, J. F., Caldeira, B., Reis, A. H., and Manso, M., 2011, “Seismo- electromagnetic phenomena in the western part of the Eurasia-Nubia plate boundary”, Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci., 11, 241–248. (I. F.: 1.886, Times Cited: 0).

72. Silva, H. G., Bezzeghoud, M., Reis, A. H., , R. N. Rosa, Tlemçani, M., Araújo, A. A., Serrano, C. , Borges, J. F., Caldeira, B., and Biagi, P. F. 2011, “Atmospheric electrical field decrease during the M =4.1 Sousel earthquake (Portugal)”, Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci., 11, 987–991. (I. F.: 1.886, Times Cited: 0).

73. Silva H.G., M.M. Oliveira, C. Serrano, M. Bezzeghoud, A.H. Reis, R.N. Rosa, and P.F. Biagi, 2011. Seismic activity influence on the atmospheric electrical field in Lisbon (Portugal) from 1955 until 1991, (accepted in September, Annals of Geophy.). IF: 0.902

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