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Artigos (outras revistas) em 2005 Versão para impressão

Borges, JF, B. Caldeira B. and M. Bezzeghoud. 2005. Source Rupture Process of the Sumatra, Indonesia Earthquake (Mw=8.6) of 28 March 2005 - Preliminary Results, artigo publicado electronicamente pelo European-Mediterranean Seismological Centre em

Caldeira, B., Bezzeghoud M.  e J. F. Borges, 2005, Localização e dimensionamento de sismos no enquadramento conceptual da sismologia, Geonovas; Lisboa; Vol. 19, pp 19-33. Kruz, S.; J. Pinela, A. H. Reis, A. F. Miguel, M. Aydin 2005 "Particle transport and deposition in porous structures: effects of particle properties, porosity and Reynolds number". Proceedings of the International Symposium on Transport Phenomena, Prague, 6 pages.

Miguel, A. F.; A. H. Reis "Optimization of the geometry of a solar still", 2005, Proceedings of the Second International Exergy, Energy and Environment Symposium, Greece, 5 pages.

Pinela, J.; S. Kruz, A. F. Miguel, A. H. Reis, M. Aydin, 2005 "Permeability-porosity relationship assessment by 2-D numerical simulations",Proceedings of the International Symposium on Transport Phenomena, Prague, 5 pages.

Reis, A.H.; A. F. Miguel. "Analysis of the exergy balance of green leaves", 2005, Proceedings of the Second International Exergy, Energy and Environment Symposium, Greece, 4 pages.

Serrenho, A.; R. Teixeira, A. F. Miguel, A. H. Reis, M. Aydin 2005,"Numerical simulation of suspension flow with deposition in 3D bifurcated tubes", Proceedings of the International Symposium on Transport Phenomena, Prague, 7 pages.

Teixeira, R.; A. Serrenho, A. H. Reis, A. F. Miguel, M. Aydin 2005 "Optimal design of curved and bifurcated flow pipes", Proceedings of the International Symposium on Transport Phenomena, Prague, 5 pages.

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