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Locating Hypocentres in Laboratory - Acoustic emission event localization in controlled laboratory experiments
Quarta-feira, 29 Maio 2013por  Este endereço de e-mail está protegido de spam bots, pelo que necessita do Javascript activado para o visualizar Hits : 3162

Por: António Martins

Centro de Geofísica de Évora


Data: 29 de Maio 2013

Hora: 14:30
Local: Anfiteatro 1 - CLAV



The analysis of acoustic emissions (AE) registered in controlled laboratory experiments of rock deformation and fracture has proven to be quite useful in studying the mechanisms involved in the process of rock failure. One of the most important features of this analysis is the location of AE events inside the sample, as this enables one to visualize the evolution of the fault, from its nucleation to the macroscopic failure. This requires three essential steps: picking the onset time, choosing a velocity model and developing an algorithm to locate the events based on some optimization method. In this seminar, a brief overview of each of the abovementioned steps will be given. Some preliminary results from experiments conducted on porous basalt will be shown.

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