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Articles (international journals) in 1999 Print

"Wind-caused air transport through screens: a physical modelling approach " A. F. Miguel, International AgroPhysics 13, 191-195 (1999)

CORTE-REAL, J. QIAN, B. and XU, H., 1999: "Circulation patterns, daily precipitation in Portugal and implications for climate change simulated by the second Hadley Centre GCM". Climate Dynamics, 15:921-935.
CORTE-REAL, J., XU, H. and QIAN, B., 1999: "A weather generator for obtaining daily precipitation scenarios based on circulation patterns". Climate Research 13: 61-75.

ULBRICH, U., M. CHRISTOPH, J.G. PINTO and J. CORTE-REAL, 1999: "Dependence of Winter Precipitation over Portugal on NAO and Baroclinic Wave Activity". Int. J. Climatol. 19: 379-390.

Trigo R.M., Palutikof J.P. (1999) "Simulation of daily temperatures for climate change scenarios over Portugal: a neural network model approach". Climate Research, 13, 45-59.

Osborn T.J., Briffa K. R., Tett S.F.B., Jones P.D. and Trigo R.M.(1999) "Evaluation of the North Atlantic Oscillation as simulated by a coupled climate model". Climate Dynamics, 15, 685-702.

HUNT, Brian R; GALLAS, Jason Alfredo Carlson; GREBOGI, Celso; YORKE, James A; KOCAK, Husein. Bifurcation rigidity. Physica D, v. 129, p. 35-56, 1999.

JANOSI, Imre Miklos; GALLAS, Jason Alfredo Carlson. Globally coupled multiattractor maps: Mean field dynamics controlled by the number of elements. Physical Review E, v. 59, p. R28-R31, 1999.

JANOSI, Imre Miklos; GALLAS, Jason Alfredo Carlson. Growth of companies and water level fluctuations of the river Danube. Physica A, v. 271, p. 448-457, 1999.

GALLAS, Jason Alfredo Carlson. Nonlinear dependencies between sets of periodic orbits. Europhysics Letters, v. 47, p. 649-655, 1999.
Formenti, P., S. J. Piketh, and H. J. Annegarn, Detection of non-sea salt sulphate aerosol at a remote coastal site in South Africa: a PIXE study, Nucl. Inst. and Meths., B150, 332-338, 1999.

Piketh, S. J., P. Formenti, H. J. Annegarn, and P. D. Tyson, Industrial aerosol characterisation at a remote site in South Africa, Nucl. Inst. and Meths., B150, 350-355, 1999.

Meter, S. L., P. Formenti, S. J. Piketh, H. J. Annegarn, and M. A. Kneen, PIXE investigation of aerosol composition in the Zambian Copperbelt, Nucl. Inst. and Meths., B150, 433-438, 1999.

Ichoku, C., M. O. Andreae, T. W. Andreae, F. X. Meixner, G. Schebeske, P. Formenti, W. Maenhaut, J. Cafmeyer, A. Karnieli, and L. Orlovsky, Interrelationships between aerosol characteristics and light scattering during late-winter in an Eastern Mediterranean arid environment, J. Geophys. Res., 104, 24371-24393, 1999.

FONSECA, P.; MUNHÁ, J.; PEDRO, J.; ROSAS, F.; ; MOITA, P.; ARAÚJO, A. & LEAL, N. (1999) Variscan ophiolites and high-pressure metamorphism in southern Iberia. Ofioliti, 24 (2), pp 259-268

Correia, A. and Safanda, J., 1999, Preliminary ground surface temperature history in mainland Portugal reconstructed from borehole temperature logs. Tectonophysics, 306, 269-275.

Correia, A. and Ramalho, E.C., 1999, Thermal models of southern Portugal based on seismic velocity patterns and radiogenic heat production. Tectonophysics, 306, 261-268.

Jones, F.W. and Correia, A., 1999, Comparison of 2-D and 3-D EM models of a magnetotelluric survey in southern Portugal. In Three-Dimensional Electromagnetics (Michael Oristaglio and Brian Spies, Eds.), Geophysical Developments no. 7, Society of Exploration Geophysicists, 375-386.

Bezzeghoud M. and E. Buforn, 1999. Source parameters of 1992 Melilla (Spain, Mw=4.8), 1994 Alhoceima (Morocco, Mw=5.8) and 1994 Mascara (Algeria, Mw=5.7) earthquakes and seismotectonic implications. Bul. Seis. Soc. Am., 89, 2, 359-372

Teves Costa P., J.F. Borges, I. Rio, R. Ribeiro, C. Marreiros, 1999. Source parameters of old earthquakes: semi-automatic digitization of analog records and seismic moment assessment, Natural Hazards, 19, 205-220.

M.M.L. Ribeiro Carrott, A.J. Estêvão Candeias, P.J.M. Carrott & K.K. Unger, "Evaluation of the stability of pure silica MCM-41 toward water vapor", Langmuir, 15 (1999) 8895-8901.

"Evaluation of the Stoeckli Method for the Estimation of Micropore Size Distributions of Activated Charcoal Cloths", P.J.M. Carrott & M.M.L. Ribeiro Carrott, Carbon, 37 (1999) 647-656

"Preparation of Activated Carbon "Membranes" by Physical and Chemical Activation of CORK", P.J.M. Carrott, M.M.L. Ribeiro Carrott & R.P. Lima, Carbon, 37 (1999) 515-517

"On the Effect of the Pulsar Magnetodipole Radiation on the Supernova Remnant", D. Luz & D.L. Berry, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 306, 191-198, 1999.

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